Entering Trump Concentration Camps

Hitler put families, adults, etc. into concentration camps.  Read how they started – what was needed to set the stage for the general public to accept such without taking responsibility for their establishment.  Wasn’t there a book written – by Hannah Arendt, I believe – which tries to analyze what happened and came to the conclusion – when good people do nothing.  I would correct that – people who do nothing under the circumstances in Germany at the time and the circumstances in America today are not “good people.”  Don’t let your bigotry get in the way of your values, your character, your ethics.  Being “better than” is not a goal it is the end of your lives and the beginning of hell for your children.

I think the current Republican Congress qualifies under that adage.  Are we not well into the new American dictatorship?  And – we can’t say we were not warned.  Donald Trump has told us clearly, in everything he does and has done, exactly who he is and what he is about.  This started from his childhood when his father, other relatives and ancestors trained him to be who he has become.  This is not new for the Trump family.  Wasn’t that his father in the white sheet and pointed hat marching down Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C. with his friends?  And we have a president accused by many women of sexual abuse, rape and worse.  Wasn’t that his grandfather, an immigrant, who – it is rumored – built a hotel on the backs of women?  The hotel which some claim was a brothel?  Isn’t Trump walking on the path he was put on as a child?  And now Trump Concentration Camps are working to put other children on the path Trump has decided they should be placed on – retrained for – oppressed by?

To so highly praise a dictator in the style of Kim Jong Un means you have to share his values – you have to approve his methods – you have to value his achievements.  And so Donald Trump is telling us that is exactly where he is – this is who he thinks is a great person and the way Kim Jong Un is governing is how Trump thinks he is governing and will continue to do so.

We have a president who was not elected by the majority of voting citizens in these United States and we have a president who is quite illegitimate.  You cannot be a legitimate president and have gotten to that place with the help of a hostile foreign country.  In fact, you cannot be a legitimate president if you were elected with the help of any foreign country.

Some years ago, the trek of many. from the Democratic Party into what used to be that grand old Republican Party began and we are seeing the results of that beginning movement today.

Strom Thurmond – remember him? – brought many of his friends with him when he left the Democrats and became a Republican.  They helped wipe out of the Democratic Party those who before that time were trying to maintain racism, separation of the races and more.  Isn’t that an amazing lesson!  Could that be a reason for a third party?

Today we are watching, not just the changeover but the march of the United States into history following the example of Adolf Hitler and those like him, only Trump has declared himself much worse.  He is using children.  Whatever his claimed reason he has put children into Trump Concentration Camps and he is looking for more space to illegally expand this phase of his presidency.  And make no mistake about the real goal of those Trump Concentration Camps, he is retraining – he is programming – he is turning those children into Trump followers and attempting to set them up as oppressors of anyone Trump is oppressing.

Marching step by step and being extremely successful in what he is doing we need to take a close look at what success means.  We judge his success by our standards of what and how an American President should be and act.  Trump needs to be judged by a very different rule.  He sees his success because by what he set out to achieve and that was not to be an American President walking in the steps of where the Constitution leads nor in the steps of Obama, Kennedy, Roosevelt, Lincoln.  He was put in office by those who wanted the United States to become a dictatorship following the pattern of Hitler’s Germany and all the other current countries that are so destroying their own people for their personal gain. – Given that measuring stick, Trump is succeeding in a very short time period and his success at what he has set as his goals is enormous.  Let go of democratic goals – take a look at where Trump is and has been and is going to move even faster into another structure bringing the United States, it people, its wealth and everything else with him.

Trump has declared his belief in torture.  He has appointed someone who has tortured as his head of CIA.  A woman, to mitigate any upset and upheaval about such a move.  Look at the people he is appointing as judges.  Look at what he tries to get through Congress.  Look at who he is raising up and who he is pulling down.  Go against him and you will find yourself in a whirlwind of trouble.  But we need to go against him and strongly because our children are at stake – and lets not separate children into what we call “races”.  All of these are our children and they will decide the next generations rule.  Influenced unduly by this time served in Trump’s Concentration Camps.  I’ve heard media call them “strange”.  Take another look – they are not “strange” they have a purpose you probably can’t let your mind conceive.

Donald Trump has been and continues to tell us who he really is by his every action.  At this past summit Trump held up a man, a dictator, responsible for the death and destruction of many – kind of things Kim Jong Un has been doing in his country are things Trump knows and he has shown who he is and where he is trying to take these United States by the way he has heaped profuse praise on Kim Jong Un and the very “talented” way he is going about his work as dictator.  Trump has praised the kind of dictator Kim Jong Un is and will continue to be, to the heavens. – That says more about the man doing the praising than the dictator and we need to take that seriously and understand that is who Trump is and the direction in which he is heading.  It is also throwing a very bright light onto those leading this Republican Party and on those following.  If you say nothing and follow along you are walking in the shoes of Hitler’s minions who followed his quietly because of their career, money and status gain they could have by so doing.  Just remember their end.

We now have concentration camps in this country – only instead of adults, our concentration camps are peopled by children in the methods employed by those we call “terrorists” who engage in re-training and forcing children to be a part of their political beliefs.  Trump is re-training children and making them adorers of and followers of Donald Trump.

What do they see upon entering?  A huge picture of Trump in all of his “glory”.  Their education is what? – totally under the control of people like Donald Sessions and company.  When and if they emerge from these concentration camps it will be with a new political system structured into their minds.

What makes these camps so horrible – when you hear of a child, still being nursed by his mother being pulled away from her and put into a Trump Concentration Camp that is the point at which we need to rise up all together and rid this country of the likes of those who have established such.

We have a Presidential Chief of Staff who started his career in the Trump Administration putting out a program to keep ALL Muslims out of these United States.  He was, at the time, head of Homeland Security.  He is now Chief of Staff to ‘President” Donald Trump.  He is also a United States General and the process of removing that title from him should have been started long ago.

Are we such a bigoted country that we can’t really push to rid ourselves of this horrible, maniacal, treasonous, evil person – this Donald Trump?

Are we so protective of ourselves and our economic future and our careers that we value those material things and the ego satisfaction we get from being a moving upward person that we will make these kinds of sacrifices?  Do you not know and have you not heard that if you come for my friends in the morning – and my colleagues in the afternoon – and my family in the evening – you will come for me in the wee hours of the morning when there is no one left to come to my defense?

This is very serious and I don’t see a serious response.  Depending on Mueller are we?  And what if Mueller doesn’t come through?

Trump seems to be depending upon Putin and his other dictator and Oligarch friends to come through to make sure the coming election in November is tampered with to the point of his and his friends winning.  And what are we doing about this horrendous distortion of the American democracy?

Germans during the time of Hitler were no different from your average American citizen of today.  They had similar dreams, goals, prepared themselves for as substantial an economic and financial future as they could manage, raised their children with onward and upward goals and tried to make sure their education was in place.  But, they did not rise up to remove the scourge of Hitler – except for the few.  Others had to come in and the way the world is going today there will be no others.  The others will be raping, pillaging and killing any who speak up or act out against what is coming.

Trump and his minions are out looking for more space for more and large concentration camps for children.  Are we so soft and willing to go along to get along that we are going to allow this?


Our history is not glowing!  There have been times in the past when we really got into the muck and dirtied ourselves because our bigotry won the day.  I hope today does not become one of those days – in American history – for which we must repent. This time for allowing our children to be taken away from us and oppressed, dehumanized. educated in any way Trump and his folks determine is right and just for Trump and his followers to continue as “better than”.

Donald Trump has been very clear – all through this past summit in Singapore as to where he is coming from – who he sees as wonderful people – and all through his presidency he has been entirely consistent.  It is time for surprise at this to go away and acceptance of the reality of who this man is and what he has planned for the United States of America to be believed.

We believe he is intentionally tearing down this country so it can come to its knees and accept his dictatorship in the style of North Korea, Russia and all of their ilk.

Take a close look – he is and has created an American Oligarch group to serve as his bulwarks as he moves along in this horrendously oppressive way and he is making sure those few are well compensated.

He is gathering around him and he is putting his dimes into the pot of those he sees like him – the dangerous, greedy, vicious bigoted leaders who are oppressing their people for their own gain – which in the end will be their own destruction, but if we sit back and do nothing we will have to live through what horrors they are wrecking on all of us until their end.

Slavery lasted some 250 years in this country.  Its vestiges still can be felt over 100 years later.  Long after slavery the evil of those who wanted to so chain people was so strong my family suffered being tarred, feathered and put on the railroad tracks.  That after Reconstruction!  It is time to get real and understand who we are as humans. Me and mine turned to God and from that found the strength to spend our lives fighting incredible  battles for all of us.  There are and were many like us.  Where are you and yours!  What are you turning to as you try to find the strength to stand up in spite of facing the prospect of losing everything this society on its material side values?  That is what it is going to take to stop the Trumps of the world and get them out of this republic.  If we are ever able to move into the democractic state we were trying to bring in.

It all happens very quickly – before you even know what hit you, your children have been taken – put into Trump Concentration Camps – and you, American Citizens not refugees – have lost everything you have worked so hard for – and what then?  Was your silence worth the sacrifice?

You Republican Congresspeople – you think keeping quiet will gain you another few years in Congress?  Think again!  It will lose you your soul!  Are you really so ready to gain a few dollars and a questionable reputation by destroying me and mine?  There is life after your Congressional career is over and what will that be for you?  The scorn of your peers, your friends, your family, your colleagues?  Once Trump is gone what then?  Will you just flip into the beliefs and work of whoever follows him, no matter the ethics, character, goodnesss, destruction of others that comes with that flip?  You are certainly doing a great job of being a part of evil under Trump.  One never recovers from such choices – evil hangs on like an evil odor whose genesis one can’t find.  It just clings to you and fouls everything you do and from that point on try to be!


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