Eggs and Lime
copyright 2014 Bettina Network, inc.
We made a wonderful discovery at breakfast – and we have to thank a guest from Mexico for the new information.
Breakfast consisted of soft-boiled eggs in egg cups, which is one of our favorite breakfasts. Our guest remarked that she loved soft-boiled eggs for breakfast, but was accustomed to eating them with a bit of lime juice. My stomach wrenched. I could not fathom putting lime juice in a soft-boiled egg.
Fortunately, we had organic limes in the refrigerator so we brought them out and watched.
She cut the lime into four pieces, then cut off the top of her egg. Before putting in her spoon to eat the egg, she squeezed the 1/4 piece of lime into the top of the egg with a little salt and enjoyed her breakfast immensely. What came to mind as I watched was Margaritas.
We decided we would have to be polite and follow suit. I was prepared to have to push down the eggs while trying to smile at this inconceivable new taste combination. I could not conceive it as being anything but really horrible – at best, something for which you would have to acquire a taste. It is one thing to have been raised on this taste combination, quite another to have it sprung on you brand new at breakfast, the time of morning when your stomach cannot handle many new taste sensations.
Imagine my surprise when I had my first spoonful of the egg, doused in lime juice, and it was fantastic. I don’t think I will ever have soft-boiled eggs again without lime juice. It lightened the taste of the egg considerably and gave it a light, exceptional taste which even topped the fact that the eggs were already great because they were organic, super large eggs.
From here on, you will find organic limes on the table whenever we serve soft-boiled eggs!!!
Is this how cultures pass information from one to another in today’s very mobile society? May it continue and accelerate – bring on the next new taste sensation!!!
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