Donaldson/Bennetts Thank Mary Jo Frug for her Sacrifice. The condition of the Court shows clearly why she was murdered.
Today, we are out of Probate Court, however, as we prepare for the next step – which is a law suit against those who so egregiously and greedily did everything they could to destroy the life, health and wealth of the Donaldson/Bennett family – we are going over every detail and am amazed at how law suits are structured. Much information that we can now use has come to us belatedly and almost fell out of the sky. Apparently, that is why many lawyers wait before filing because they want to make sure they are in the best possible position.
When we do file, it will not be in Probate Court because the issues are not the same. What happened in Probate Court pretty much makes up the facts of the matter.
Because our experience was so bad, we started to research Probate Court and are stunned with what we are finding.
First up – Probate Court. This is a Court with an unbelievably ugly, vicious, sordid history. Probate Court was primarily a way to deal with legal issues in the slave trade. When slavery was abolished, Probate Court had an institutional structure which moved its way of dealing with slavery, slaves and all those related issues out of slavery – now abolished (supposedly) – into the larger society. Probate Court is an equity Court and commits horrendous abuses against the most vulnerable in society. From our experience, one major way this is done is through the very loose way Probate Court deals with the Defendants – the elderly, the most vulnerable people in society, those without family but assets and more. It is a place to control, defeat, drain the assets, life, health and more from minorities.
Our interest here is the elderly. Because of what we went through we wanted to do some investigation to discover what happened? Why? And we did discover that our experience is shared with many minorities. For example, the African American sisters who lost their jobs because attorneys and, of course, the Elder and Protective Services people accused them of abusing their grandfather. That was not true, but truth was irrelevant.
What struck us about what they went through was that it was almost a carbon copy of what happened with us – and because of the same people.
Let us summarize here what happened with Rev. Dr. Bennett and Marceline Donaldson pointing out for you the most horrible things that happened and you will see how the Probate Court operates to back up and allow people to be stripped of everything while those involved with the Court on a professional level go away “fat and happy.”
How did this start?n Just a conjecture, but if you read Bettina Network’s Blog you will see many who would like to see those who write, distribute, keep the Blog going to just disappear. We have had many instances of such, but we endured them and moved along. We did the same thing with this Probate Court issue, but like a dog with a bone we are not letting go. We will continue to research, support others and do what we can to expose and bring about positive change in this area.
The Donaldson/Bennett sage started with Nora Al Wet-aid writing a document which she swore to and gave to Attorney James O’Sullivan, who is the attorney for many of the Protective Services in Massachusetts.
Her sworn document is full of lies from beginning to end. The Probate Court, however, immediately impounded Ms. Al Wet-aid’s document so others – like the Donaldson/Bennetts would not know of its existence.
Fortunately, someone put the document through the mail slot at the Donaldson/Bennett home so they discovered its existence and were appalled. Especially with all of the lies contained therein. For example, Ms. Al Wet-aid said Rev. Dr. Bennett was ill with prostate cancer for which he was being treated. The Fact: Rev. Dr. Bennett has not even been tested for Prostate cancer because no one saw a need to do that. With a new doctor it is clear that past history was correct – Rev. Dr. Bennett does not have prostate cancer, has never had prostate cancer and has never been treated for it.
Ms. Al Wet-aid put together several such false statements like the above. When challenged and when the Bennett Donaldsons asked the Court and the District Attorney to investigate that statement for purgery – silence, ignoring, nothing.
The psychiatrist, Dr. Rebecca Warner, was especially culpable in all of this and in spite of that being raised with the Court nothing came of her nefarious activities.
She is the one who signed out a Section 12 against Dr. Bennett without knowing him, without ever having met him, without ever having examined him. That happened because Ms. Al Wet-aid was quite insistent that this was an emergency situation which needed that kind of action immediately. So Dr. Warner violated her oath and any good sense she may have had and had the police pick up Dr. Bennett at his home and forced him into the psych ward of MGH. Her attempt was to have Dr. Bennett forced into the psych ward of Mount Auburn Hospital where she practices, but that was fouled by Ms. Donaldson who could not understand any of this, but particularly why a man, out of the hospital from surgery only a couple days would be forced into a strange hospital he didn’t know, had no records, no treatment, no reason to be forced into this strange place. Especially startling for both Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Bennett they knew Mount Auburn Hospital as a place they would prefer to die on the street in front of the hospital rather than be admitted into Mount Auburn Hospital for treatment. Especially, as a minister, knowing and having heard of their psych ward manipulations they were stricken that this is the place where the police were going to force Dr. Bennett against his will, so in their only act of humanity during the entire ordeal the police agreed to take Dr. Bennett to MGH instead.
He was discharged from MGH within hours after an independent psychiatric exam which said there was no reason for him to have been picked up, forced into MGH, especially into the psych emergency rooms.
He was discharged without medicines prescribed, etc.
Nora Al Wet-aid and Angela Clary brought Somerville Cambridge Protective Services back into the lives of the Donaldson/Bennett’s the very next day. They were, apparently, furious that their scheme to take over this family, their health, wealth and more did not work.
Enter the Probate Court: They had their attorney – Mr. O’Sullivan – file an ’emergency motion’ without Dr. Bennett or Ms. Donaldson’s knowledge to get Protective Orders over Dr. Bennett and more. They made sure the Court did not know this did not fit the qualifications to be an ’emergency motion’ since there clearly was no emergency.
To make sure their ’emergency motion’ succeeded they declared Dr. Bennett ‘indigent’ and of course let the Court know he was African American and with no one to care for him so he needed immediate removal from his home by the police.
Being described – under oath – as ‘indigent’ Dr. Bennett was, at that point totally vulnerable. Ms. Al Wet-aid and the attorney for Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services now had an open door to do whatever they wanted with Dr. Bennett’s life.
Ms. Al Wet-aid, by going around MGH ‘conspiring’ with others – doctors, nurses, social service people and more – she told a story which made them do things they should not have done. She described Dr. Bennett’s wife as a very abusive woman and how dangerous being in the same house with her was for Dr. Bennett. Many fell under her spell as she spun that story and it became stronger and stronger the more she told it.
It was a total lie, however, racism comes strongly into play here. Whites believe whites and when someone claims to be looking out for the best for this pathetic, ill, old and abused African American man – well many did what she asked without a thought or a question.
The Court, however, refused the ’emergency motion’ and said it could not do such without the person represented – so the Court appointed an attorney (at the expense of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts using its CPSC organization). So now the plot thickens and the fix is in.
Ms. Al Wet-aid with attorney O’Sullivan representing Somerville Cambridge Protective services simply went back to court – on the same day, March 5th – again with an ’emergency motion’, however, this time things had changed and they were now in the drivers seat. They went back to Court, but they went back to another judge. They did not go back to the judge who appointed Attorney Myette during an ex-parte hearing – fresh judge without knowledge of what happened that day in front of another judge was needed and they found one.
That judge asked Attorney Myette if she had time, before the scheduled motion, to contact her (new) client to get to know the case, his wishes, etc. Attorney Myette said ‘yes”, but she already had and within a very short time – like minutes – filed a bogus motion to back-up Ms. Al Wet-aid whose goal was to force Dr. Bennett from his home for the second time in two days. A man just out of the hospital after brain surgery and a man they had forced into a rehab place which was under quarantine for the flu.
Having stolen Dr. Bennett’s right to be notified of a court hearing against him and having taken away from him his right to hire an attorney of his choosing, they now had a very cooperative attorney, but one who was cooperating with Protective Services, Ms. Al Wet-aid and Attorney O’Sullivan – but appointed by the Court to represent Dr. Bennett. At this point if you were an intelligent fly on the wall you would realize quickly that Dr. Bennett didn’t stand a chance in this situation. They had set up their case so it would move smoothly. Move smoothly to where? – taking over Dr. Bennett’s health, wealth, his body and the end of his life making it extremely miserable, which they did very effectively and Dr. Bennett was not the first elderly African American man so treated.
Ms. Cheri Myette is the attorney so appointed. She filed a motion with the Court in which she claimed the motion was “Respectfully submitted by Robert Bennett”. Dr. Bennett had never seen, did not know, had never spoken to Attorney Myette. We believe that filing is part of a “criminal conspiracy” and that filing was needed to win and to be able to drain the resources of this person they so cruelly treated.
At that point Robert Bennett still did not know about this action; did not know about the ’emergency motion’, was at home enjoying the company of his wife and adult children completely unaware of any of this. His family and his wife were also unaware of what was transpiring in Court.
Attorney Myette was appointed by the Court on March 5th and within an hour she had filed this bogus motion. She had Dr. Bennett quoted as saying in this motion that he was swearing to being ‘destitute’; and swearing that he was the victim of elder abuse by his wife, etc.
What was actually happening with this man described as “destitute” – “abused” alone in a house with his abusive wife with no place else to go? He was having a candlelight dinner which he and his family spent the day cooking and which he could not enjoy. Not only could he not enjoy his dinner that night, but he had nothing to eat at all – all of these people so concerned including the hospital ignored the fact that this man was hungry and cheated out of a beautiful meal he helped cook because of the greed and power hunger of those now going after him to “help him? Their help got worse than just missing a meal for Dr. Bennett.
This new filing to send police pushing into Dr. Bennett’s home apparently threatening everyone with everything was filed to back-up Ms. Al Wet-aid and Attorney O’Sullivan. And it was Mr. O’Sullivans suggestion that Attorney Myette be hired and, of course, paid out of Massachusetts State funds. That violated CPSE’s guidelines – the next attorney on the list gets appointed. Wonder who that would have been? Wonder if those attorneys on the list know about this little bit of jump the list thing that happens? Would they be interested in jumping the list if the only thing they had to do was compromise their ethics, etc?
As we investigate, this was not Attorney Myette’s first time in such a position.
What was the point? Read on —-
The police arrived at Dr. Bennett’s home for the second time in a couple days to force him, once again, into MGH. This time he was kept for five weeks. During that time his wife was threatened by Attorney O’Sullivan as to what would happen to Dr. Bennett if she did not apply for Mass Health. Apparently, Mass Health is involved up to its neck in these things. Get involved – pay the bills – file liens – do horrendous things to attempt to collect a persons’ lifetime asset accumulation.
Surprise! Another institutional structure added to the mix.
She refused. They refused to let him out of the hospital. They didn’t have to actually get the Mass Health Insurance, they just had to apply. Why? It seems to us, looking into Mass Health, – that institution produces a map to the assets to whoever applies. Armed with that blueprint supplied by the application of the Donaldson/Bennett’s to Mass Health look at how easy it would have been for folks to just wipe them out, quickly. Otherwise, the application made no sense since the Donaldson/Bennett’s did not qualify for Mass Health according to our look at their qualification requirements. Surely, the “Protective Services” people knew that before they demanded the Donaldson/Bennett’s apply.
They did have more work to do destroying Dr. Bennett’s health to make sure they had left nothing undone so they could easily achieve their goal – and they were good at making a human being miserable, suffering in pain, strip them of their mobility soonest and so much more.
What was their goal? To put Dr. Bennett into a “skilled” nursing home; under constraints; fed anti-psychotics for life; not allowed out of bed; and drain his assets spending them like drunken soldiers.
In the process they committed what we believe is Medicare Fraud and is what is happening to attempt to destroy people like Dr. Bennett, raise the premiums on Medicare because of this horrible abuse of the program – which probably amounts to Medicare fraud – and more.
How were they going to do that?
Re-enter Dr. Rebecca Warner. The psychiatrist who signed out the Section 12 against Dr. Bennett which was ‘lifted’ by MGH after an Independent psychiatric exam. The only “Independent Exam” he received. So, Dr. Warner was “outed’ from day one – however that stopped no-one – just ignore that little inconvenience, no one will notice. Drug Dr. Bennett – keep him in bed 24/7 – and more and Dr. Warner could make the findings they needed.
She arrived after her co-conspirators had notified the state that they needed $2,000 to pay Dr. Warner for this “Independent Exam”. Which the state paid. CPSC paid from the money it apparently receives from the state and they paid in spite of knowing -before they paid – that this was a “hoax” for personal gain of the many involved.
That was amazing because two complaints were filed against all parties with the CPSC which doles out free attorneys to such groups, etc. and not one was even acknowledged let alone responded to. One response which we didn’t consider a response was that – “indigent” can mean different things and CPSC interpreted “indigent” in Dr. Bennett’s case to mean he was not destitute, but could not afford to pay an attorney.
That response came out after Dr. Bennett had hired and paid the retainer for two legal firms to represent him and Ms. Donaldson and the Court would not remove Attorney Myette – the Court appointed attorney – so the attorneys hired and paid by Dr. Bennett and his family could represent him.
Cute huh?
Those attorneys apparently did not have the same motivation to lie that Attorney Myette did? Although, let us not give those attorneys a clean bill of health because – as it turned out – they were all working together to manipulate the Court so Dr. Bennett would be put under the Guardianship of a Guardianship Corporation who would take over his assets and make any and all decisions for him – removing his family spend down his assets and so much more. Auschwitz for the elderly.
At that point, it became very clear why they needed to accuse Ms. Donaldson of elder abuse. She is his wife and why does he need to be taken over by a Guardianship Corporation when his wife took very good care of him as he did of her. His wife was in very good health – at 83 years old and not even high blood pressure.
If his wife was not accused of elder abuse – as she was with no proof except from Ms. Nora Al Wet-aid with what we believe was her purged statement and the bogus motion from his Court appointed attorney what was the point of all of this. Now, with this elder abuse claim they could also attempt to dig into and spend the wife’s assets in the name of all of these lies.
Back to the psychiatrist Dr. Warner. She turned up at MGH although she is affiliated with Mount Auburn Hospital to do an “Independent Exam” of Dr. Bennett – paid for by the State. She needed to do this to satisfy the laws of Massachusetts which said such was needed before you took away someone’s rights. The fact that she started all of this still had her claiming to do an “Independent Exam”.
Well – starting from the time Dr. Bennett was admitted to MGH against his will and against the will of his family; forced into MGH with really no reason for such; Dr. Bennett was fed anti-psychotics, hallucinatory drugs, anti-seizure medications, blood thinners after brain surgery, plus 10 more pills daily for the entire 5 weeks he was in MGH against his will.
He was not admitted this second time for medical reasons. He was forced into MGH this second time because Nora Al Wet-aid, using Attorney O-Sullivan and Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services and Probate Court claimed Dr. Bennett was in a dangerous situation with his wife being extremely abusive and they had to get him out of his house immediately because she was refusing to let him take his “prescribed” medicines, which did not exist because there were no “prescribed” medicines. He was also in drastic shape, according to Ms. Al Wet-aid because of this abusive wife and he had no family, no place to go so the police had to step in – take him out of his home and force him into MGH’s psych ward.
No medicines were “prescribed” according to the discharge papers for Dr. Bennett – so Ms. Al Wet-aid was claiming Dr. Bennett’s wife was abusive because she refused to feed him “prescribed” medicines which is reality had not been “prescribed”
So, to start forcing Dr. Bennett to take anti-psychotics, hallucinatory drugs, anti-seizure medications which the neurologist who headed the team for his surgery said he should not receive for more than 7 days after the surgery or damage could be done to his brain, plus blood thinners and the 10 other drugs he was also forced to take against his will – that force feeding of pills had a reason. “Incapacitate” him.
10 days after Dr. Bennett was admitted to MGH and 10 days after he was forced to take these pills, Dr. Warner showed up to do her “Independent Exam”. They needed time for the pills being fed to Dr. Bennett to work their ‘magic’? Her conclusion was that Dr. Bennett was “incapacitated” and her recommendation was that he be discharged into a “community”. There he could live happily ever after – and sure enough a motion was filed by SCES asking the Court to send Dr. Bennett to a skilled nursing home and put him under the care of the guardianship corporation in which Attorney O’Sullivan has a major interest.
Is the picture becoming clear?
There is a lot more to it than we have outlined, but we wanted to give you an idea as to what the elderly and their families are up against. Dr. Bennett has a very large, very caring family. His wife set up a program in their home with ‘experts’ in their field to take care of Dr. Bennett. SCES and a their helpers didn’t care about that – that would not return money to them.
The fraud – cheating – lying to the Court – and so much more to get hold of an elderly persons assets to drain them into the pockets of those who put together what we consider a criminal conspiracy was the goal.
Oh! And as a postscript. Dr. Bennett was sexually abused in this process.
His family reported the abuse to the Massachusetts District Attorney and she didn’t bother to investigate. In fact, she didn’t even bother to contact the witnesses.
Every right Dr. Bennett and his family have was violated in this process as though they were living in a country where this kind of abuse by a group like Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services can strip others of their assets and move along enjoying the fruits of someone else’s labor.
We also discovered one reason some people allow themselves to get involved in such ‘criminal conspiracies’. Extreme bigotry!!!! It handicaps the next generation of the family of people so destroyed as they tried to destroy Dr. Bennett.
Take his assets and his children would have less. They would not be as able to move ahead in this society as they would be if they inherited their share of Dr. Bennett’s assets. Do this with as many minorities as possible and you have a part of the maintenance of a structure riddled with bigotry in tact with those doing the “dirty work” richly rewarded.
As we have found, this has happened to African Americans, Jews, Latina’s, especially immigrants and more.
It is time for you to start caring about what is happening to the elderly in this country. You might be next because you will certainly be one of the elderly soon. Dr. Bennett and his wife had no idea this would or could happen to them.
The Black Race*