Donald Trump’s Great and Grand Summit
Me thinks we have just seen an incredible performance which is and has been produced, directed, acted in by Donald Trump. All of you looking for new film plays – Trump has just put on a magnificent one. Hope it is under copyright or it will surely be stolen. As for its content – none of it was real and none of it will remain to be carried out as the film seems to say it will be carried out. It was only a brief time to shore up and aggrandize Donald Trump who is a genius at taking advantage of every public puffing up of his insatiable male ego he can manage or others, who have become so obsequious, can arrange for him.
It will be interesting to see England’s reaction as he moves on to that country and what part this play will have in his next production in that country. It is so like Trump to make England his next trip -remembering the cancelling of his last trip and this opportunity, from his perspective, to rub their noses in his victory.
England also seems to be moving in a more diverse direction – will this play have an influence on whether they continue that or allow themselves to be in a reality show produced, directed and acted in by Donald Trump.
The star of this Kim and Donald Show, of course was Donald Trump. The secondary actor was Kim Jong Un. The supporters in this play or film or reality show don’t have to be named they won’t be around much longer. The big announcement will come when their replacements are called out. Will Kim Jong Un still be one of the secondary actors or will “the Don” have arranged for him to be taken out and someone else to be his replacement.
We hope Kim Jong Un, not being accustomed to Western Reality TV understands what has just happened and in what he was a bit player. As I looked at the few sightings of him on TV he looked young, vulnerable – in spite of his reputation – and not at all ready for what is to come. Donald Trump has clearly put in his bid to replace and become a father to Kim and fully expects to be the one guiding and telling Kim Jong Un what to do, how to do, etc. If that does not work to “the Don’s” expectations, no kissing of the ring will stop what will happen after that.
This world becomes more unbelievable as each day passes. At the same time it is still very predictable and has been for eons of time.
Don’t know why everyone is so exorcised by all of this. Also don’t understand why it has taken up so much media time. All of us could predict the story line, we could probably chant what the actors will say before they say it – like the midnight shows folks used to dress up to sit in the audience but still be one of the actors – and – we can also predict the outcome.
Nothing said or done in Donald Trumps Korean Show was real. What is real is what Donald Trump decides at the moment. At this moment Kim Jong Un is his ticket to remain in office and to delay for a time the Special Counsel’s report and the media giving accurate reports on what has happened over Trumps adult lifetime and especially focusing on his time running for office and the brief period he has been in office.
Folks are worried about the United States troops staying in South Korea. They are dissecting an agreement between Trump and Un as though it was meant to be anything except fodder for what comes next and a part of the background stage setting for Trump to try and turn the November elections into a win for Donald Trump leading to a renewal of his reality show contract for another four years. Yes, Putin and Russia were no doubt part of the reason Trump was elected president, but credit has to also be given to the media who promoted Trump none stop 24 hours all during the campaign. Today, those same people are characterized as “Fake News”, were put in “pig pens” during the campaign, were consigned to media hell which they have been trying to break free from ever since.
Trump will get rid of Kim Jong Un quicker than the Libyan president was dismembered and he will have no guilt, no second thoughts, no hesitation. He will upheaval Kim, his country and everything else he has to upheaval to gain what the demons in his head are demanding of him.
Much is said about Trump’s health. In all of those conjectures nothing is said about the fervent mind games that happen to those who come down with – what’s it called? Siphylous? Forgive my lack of spelling accuracy I am just getting used to this new English vocabulary. What I mean is the sex disease contracted by those who have sex with many and some very questionable people with no protection. Given all the sex-partners Trump has had it would be a miracle if we were not seeing the last stages of this very serious sex-transmitted disease. Ahhh, but he has the protection of the god of the ET.Evangelical Christians so I might be very wrong at that conjecture. Or is their theology changed to accommodate such practices with a cure for their very predictable outcome?
On another level, for Kim Jong Un to even have shown up for this “Summit” which glorifies Trump and gives him a possible reprieve from his troubles in the United States – real, serious, imprisonable troubles does not say much for Kim. If he is not worried he will go the way of Khadafi then someone should give him Trump’s history. You last as long as you are of use to Trump and then…… bring in the last act of the Marie Antoinette reality show.
There was a time when I took these things seriously. Maybe aging makes the difference and aging in the middle of everything political which has happened in the last many decades. This entire “Summit” has been a bad joke – played at the expense of the American and the South and North Korean peoples while the rest of the world watches and wonders how they can quickly jump on what looks like this gravy train. How the mighty will be amongst the falling.
Careful boys – take a look around – this summit may have been for males only, – as all the pictures show – (well maybe with the exception of a female interpreter or two) – but women are acquiring political and other kinds of power and are using it in ways that should make your penile hair stand on end sharply pricking anyone who comes close which means you are about to be deprived of power and sex.
Enjoy these last vestiges of the exercise of the incredibly vicious, ugly and dangerous way you have wielded power for generations. There is always an accounting and you don’t always have to wait until you meet your maker at that judgment seat for that accounting to happen. Karma is real! And it is about to strike the world! Hope you have memorized William Cullen Bryant’s “Thanatopsis”…………..
“So live, that when thy summons comes to join
The innumerable caravan, which moves
To that mysterious realm, where each shall take
His chamber in the silent halls of death,
Thou go not, like the quarry-slave at night,
Scourged to his dungeon, but, sustained and soothed
By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave,
Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch
About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams.”
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