Donald Trump – a summary from decades of experience!

“We spent the day watching the Trump Campaign – hearing the media stories leading up to it and the Donald J. Trump rally itself at Madison Square Garden.

It was an amazing time. At the end of the day we felt as though we needed a thorough cleansing because what we saw and heard was mud slinging all over this country, the world and its people in the ugliest way. We knew the Trump people and Trump himself were not worried at the lies being told, because when called to account DENIAL would be the order of the day.

We have a couple people who knew Trump back in New York many, many years ago. Given that and our own knowledge, to hear the claims in the rally by several participants that Trump built New York was beyond lying without any care that most people knew that was a lie. Trump and his people told the lie anyway – in the hopes it would get some innocents to vote for him thinking he really did something other than disrupt much in New York in a very negative way?

We thought over all we heard at the rally and several things we knew before the rally started and lots dropped into place:

The first was what we heard about Trump being gay and that it was the gay community in which he was then intimately involved that brought him and his business from Queens to Manhattan. We reheard about Roy Cohn with several people telling us how deeply involved Trump was with Roy Cohn. We heard a bit of that gayness from Trump when he talked about Arnold Palmer’s private parts on television just days ago. It was almost as though if confirmation of Trump’s gayness today was needed – here it was. What is wrong with that? The same thing wrong with African Americans spewing hatred of other African Americans and trying to hide their identity as such. Trump is totally anti-gay and has dumped all over the gay community. It is time someoone “outed” him.

In that context it made sense to us that Robert Kennedy, Jr. chose to be a part of the Trump campaign. Robert Kennedy Sr. apparently was involved with the McCarthy happenings back in the day, before he saw the light and moved over working with the Democrats on a very different level. Jr., who came along later didn’t do that. His family’s McCarthy connections had too strong an influence on him. He went in one direction resulting in his joining the Trump campaign and the rest of his family took a different less racist, sexist, etc. route.

Listening to the people who came to the podium to give their testimonial speech and to knock Kamala Harris was also amazing. I felt, after all of that, seriously in need of a really good cleansing bath. The foul language, the lies made each person who took the podium a little lower in our esteem than they were prior to their talk. Some were so low, in our esteem, they were wallowing in the mud with the snakes and others like them.

One strong thing that came out of the time spent watching all of this was a clearer understanding of why racism, sexism, homophobia and all the rest of the bigotry which has pervaded this nation almost from its beginnings has been practically impossible to get out of the structures of this country – the political, family and religious structures inclusively.

To support Donald Trump and his vice presidential choice (Vance) one has to be a real, true bigot whose ethics are in the dumpster. To be able to support someone for any office, let alone that of president of the United States who has shown themselves to be so thoroughly corrupt as Donald Trump is one has to have similar ethics and beliefs. One has to have lived a life lying, cheating, stealing from others; attempting to destroy others to take what they have; creating businesses which cheat its consumers; hate and actively attempt to destroy Blacks, Native Americans, Gays, Women, Latina Americans and all the others they have attempted to destroy who are not white male northern european types.

There have been many excuses made as to why people support this vile bigotry and dumpster ethics, because you can’t support people who clearly have horrible, vicious, ugly, vile and illegal ways of being who are running for office without your vote being cast giving them positive back-up for who they are – how they are – and permission to bring all of that up front into this country, its political system, its corporate structures, into the lives of the individual families and into its religious beliefs and structures.

We are talking, not just about Donald Trump. We are talking about tens of millions of people who have spent their lives destroying the lives, the quality of life, the future of others causing many deaths in the process.

When one looks back at just Donald Trump you see a man who is and has been gay from at least his young adult years yet has no problems acting in a horrendous way against other gays, making their lives as difficult as possible because it suits Donald Trumps need to move ahead in this society denying and denigrating others who have his same sexual proclivities because it helps him financially and otherwise without a thought to those he is seriously hurting.

One sees in Trump a man who had no problem ripping off people trying to get an education at great cost to themselves and their family looking forward to a better future only to discover they were doing it through Trump University which has been shown to be a place ripping them off for the millions of dollars it put into Donald Trump and his cohorts pockets.

All through Donald Trump’s life there have been incidents like Trump University. Some not so big and ugly – some which have made what happened at Trump University look like just a beginning to what has escalated now to a country-wide horror and if Trump wins the presidency, soon to a world wide dumpster fire

We don’t have to go back through each incident, I am sure they are well known to you making you not notice the little bits which just slide through, but which are strong parts of the Institutional Racism and other institutionalized bigotry making it hard to impossible for others. Something as small as media referring to Trump by his last name and to Kamala Harris only by her first name – sort of in the style which prevailed during slavery. The master referred to by his last name, the slave or servant only by their first name and even that didn’t happen often – just like with Trump and a description of what is being talked about acknowledging the other person at times without any name being mentioned.

Trump’s immigrant stance with his threats as to how awful immigrants are and what he is going to do to stop most from entering this country and according to Trump – turning it into a garbage dump. That is the most telling of all his lies. Trump himself came from a German immigrant family. Their money came from Trump’s grandfather who made his living once he was in this country by using women as prostitutes and eventually built a hotel -a bordello – where women lived and entertained men sexually for money. None of that, along with the abuse of the women has ever made the media although it should be very relevant given Trump’s anti-immigrant stance.

His anti-immigrant stance continues when you notice that his first wife was an immigrant and so is his current wife. To look at their lives, what have they contributed to this country as immigrants – other than marrying Donald Trump and becoming citizens? His current wife was a nude model and in pictures is nude on a bear rug in the ugliest way along with pictures which are practically nude standing next to a Trump plane or inside the plane with a case full of jewels in a mostly nude pose. That clearly carries a message – especially to the young people who see such pictures and then connect the picture with someone who was the wife of the president of the United States who is now running to be president once again. The rewards of such behavior?

We could go on for pages, but I think the message we want to put out is clear. Until the citizens of this country get their ethical lives together and live good, caring, positive lives without needing to be better than; without needing to lie, cheat, steal and more; without needing to abuse and prostitute women to achieve their financial goals for themselves we will always be in a spot like the one we are in today. We can’t really talk issues, policies, how to move ahead making sure that all of our citizens are whole and able to live good, caring, substantial lives until we stop supporting the likes of Donald Trump because we are caught up in his money, etc. That brings us to the spot we are in today where the billionaire class is taking over and using the rest of us to earn more billions in crude and unethical ways.

The latest influence Trump has is to cheat trying to be president by bringing pressure on newspapers not to endorse Kamala Harris or not to endorse at all if they are not going to endorse Trump. IS IT TIME TO BOYCOTT THE WASHINGTON POST, THE LA TIMES AND AMAZON to get their billionaire owners to stop playing lets pretend they are good and whole people and when the chips are down who they really are surfaces? Don’t we deserve better than that?

Help us, Dear God, to live lives of caring, of truthfulness, to acknowledge our sins and work to correct them, to do what we can to remove evil from who we are and from this world we did not create, but in which we now live. Help us to live with concern and caring for those traveling with us on this journey and remove the likes of Donald Trump, his followers and those who support him in his evil ways hurting whoever gets in the way or does not cooperate or who wants to make billions at the expense of others or who have made billions and that money has only served to awaken and accelerate the evil ways they live their lives. We have so much and we give so little and we justify the evil we do without conscience keeping us back. Keep in front of us the lives of those who are good and just and have managed to move ahead doing good, not evil. Lift us up as we try to lift others through this coming election in these United States. Help us to create a beautiful, just and giving country no matter our status. Amen!”

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