DJT – The Manchurian President
by: Marceline Donaldson
Months, even years ago, we published blogs about “The Manchurian Candidate”. Clearly, that was right on! Today, this blog is about a president who we feel is guilty of treason – (don’t start blubbering about “treason” and what it means and doesn’t mean. I am adult and educated enough to know that a man who betrays his country by following the plans and dictates of those in a “criminal enterprise”, by following and supporting a “mafia leader” in another country for their benefit and to the detriment of what he claims as his own country in which he has citizenship is committing treason and when you obfuscate the word I know where you are coming from and it is not from a place concerned about the proper use of English/American words or idioms).
We love reading the articles which come in from Bettina Network Lifestyle Community Members. We try to publish them or to consolidate the ideas of several when many come in saying the same thing. We hope you understand that and have learned from what we publish.
We have to ask you to take another look at the comparisons being made between Hitler and Donald Trump. While we understand what you are seeing we think we all need to take another look at this and stop the comparisons.
Hitler was German. He led Germany into a moral minefield and used separating peoples using hate, distrust, bigotry and more to gain his goals of power, total control, endless amounts of money and the freedom to live his life at the top of a country while ignoring or not being able or caring about the fact that murder and mayhem were being committed under and around him. This was the only way he knew to govern to achieve his personal ego and other needs; he did not have the moral foundation to attempt to rule otherwise. Many suffered, died, were killed, and worse under Hitler’s Nazi regime.
Donald J. Trump apparently has the same needs as Hitler and the same lack of a moral base, but they differ in one substantial way as their choice of ways to govern and achieve their aims.
Hitler stayed within a German context. Trump has chosen to involve the enemies of the United States in a coalition to choose his goals. Kim Jung Un, Vladimir Putin and all of the other governmental leaders have sway over Trump the way such leaders of his time did not have sway over Hitler. Which says to us, Trump’s danger to these United States is exponentially worse in this world than was Hitler’s rise to power as head of a murderous government was to Germany.
Please rethink your comparisons.
Yes Trump and Hitler are alike in some of the ways they have chosen to rule. Yes they are alike in their ability to move in the direction of setting up governments which murder its constituents or those deemed their enemies or those needed to be murdered to get the populace up in arms moving in the direction they need the populace to move. Hitler, to satisfy those around him and within the German state. Trump, to satisfy those dictators who need the United States to move in their direction doing their bidding to make sure a republic style of government or a democracy is not feasible and breaks apart.
Trump is in his early days of murder and mayhem. He is moving in such a direction as to take down the structures in place in the United States so he can invite his friends in to help him shore up and maintain the United States in the way it has to be maintained for his goals and objectives to be met. The Muslim ban; the rise again of White Supremacist organizations; the encouragement of neo-Nazi’s to become more public to bring about fear within this nation. We see each day the many goals in place one after another tearing down the United States government as it currently stands. As you see that constant and ongoing destruction you can almost see which head of which fascist state is behind this new thing.
And, we should add, this has not started with Donald Trump. The way this government is moving started long before Donald Trump. Trump as a totally corrupt president surrounded by corruption in everything he and his administration are doing and saying which is destroying this country was started and grown in these United States long before Trump became President. He is simply building on the backs of those who have gone before. He is deepening the furrow in the road they have trod to lead the way for him to follow.
Today, we have a confluence of Government and Business moving in tandem in the direction of White Supremacy reigning, Sexism slamming back in horrendous and unbelievable ways; Neo-Nazi’s blatantly and very publicly recruiting for their movement and killing Jews with very little blow back from the public.
Looking at the Government under Trump – it has become almost totally white and male. A dramatic change from whence we’ve come under Obama and where we thought we were going.
Our government is being concentrated into those ‘serving’ being a certain class and background of white male consistent with those who have low to no moral base, no ethical structure other than their need to take what they want from whoever without pause for or patience with anything restraining their taking and more.
Trump has brought together and formed a criminal mafia/enterprise at the top of these United States Government and has done it in the light of day, describing what he is doing and getting some flak, but not much. Many have made righteously indignant statements about how they loathe where he is coming from and what he has done to this country, but when called to act, they act right alongside Trump, covering their actions with high moral statements and trying to hide their greed and power hunger under their blanket of righteous indignation.
Not even Trump’s MAGA theme was his own. It goes back to Ronald Reagan’s MAGA theme. A Call to make American Great Again when America was already great. So what is that call really about? You have lived this just as intimately as I have so I don’t have to fill in all of the blanks.
Look at Business. Who gets to grow a substantial business in these United States is dependent upon who has the attention and receives the investment money and people help from the Venture Capital Community and that Community has a very distinct Middle Eastern turn and tone and membership.
Those who have been ‘helped’ to grow billion dollar businesses have been those chosen by the Venture Capitalist groups – not for their vision, their ideas, their ability to head such businesses bringing the future into the present, but those who are properly white, male and who fit the stereotype to head such businesses so the general public does not take a good look at those businesses’ history, their development and what it is they have wrought. Especially so no emphasis is placed on the fact that mostly those businesses were stolen from others – obviously, blatantly, publicly stolen and mostly from minorities and women.
Because of the beginnings of an outcry from those so excluded and from whom ideas, visions and functioning businesses were stolen, those Venture Capitalists are now hiring and working with people who understand the need to bring in “minorities and women”, but who also understand that of those needing to be brought in, it has to be in and through a ‘ghetto door”. Those who have the connections and right mindset to understand they cannot serve all of the people, but must tailor their businesses to serve the “ghettoed women and minority people” and who know if that is done there is funding for them. That funding will not be in the billions of dollars kind of funding available and historically given to white male northern european types, but it will be in the ten thousands through the maybe 50 thousands of dollars to those who need and agree to be used symbolically and who can be pointed to as absolving the very racist and sexist venture capitalists who have made sure this next generation of entrepreneurs – the successful ones – will be white, male and that northern european person meant to be on top of everything and everyone as it has been for hundreds of years.
If this continues – humanity, the humanness of us all will have to wait several hundred more years to produce a community of caring people who have worked to dumb down their greed; who are concerned about others; who know some are strong and some are weak and that is no reason to take advantage of those who can contribute but do so without demanding all for themselves and their own kind.
Again, I won’t belabor that because you all know exactly how that story goes.
In this ending, we appeal to you – please send your thoughts, analyses, and everything else about life, work, art, literature without this emphasis on parallels between Trump and Hitler. We all saw that at the beginning of Trump’s “reign”. We did not have the experience to understand the differences as clearly as we do today. Evil is not just all the same. Even evil has its distinctions.
We are seeing that there is no longer a comparison. Hitler was Germany’s own – the way Nixon was the United States’ own. Trump is in a different category. He is the ultimate Manchurian President and will bring in whoever – do whatever – without caring that he is committing treason as long as it satisfies his needs of power over, brings into his coffers and into his future more money than god and all of the other needs he has shown for which he has sacrificed his life and his eternity. What he is also showing us – the covers have been stripped off several people, several communities, several projects, several groups, several so-called ‘religious’ denominations who are willing to give up their lives and their eternity for the few pieces of gold they will receive through their support of Trump and his minions going against everything that is good in this life.
Trump’s work has encouraged those who would have done their “dirt” hidden and in the dark, with their goals, objectives and results never to come out into the open. He has encouraged and set the example for them to be open and public as they work to create “a new world order” that accepts and promotes and lives by this very treasonous and extremely evil way of functioning. He has set a veritable smorgasbord in front of them from which they can pick and choose how they want to go forward to his benefit. And he has shown that the way to move ahead is to ignore the country, person, life of who is providing. An enemy of your country is just as good if they are providing you with the largesse and power you want and need.
The last person who did that with dramatic results for us was Martin Luther King, Jr. Only the choices he laid out were very different. He showed us the evil in this society and this world. He also showed us the road we need to take to prevent the evil from taking over from the good. Many took his messages and life’s history to heart. Many others preferred to point out the fact that he was human and use that to try to ensnare many to reject him. We need to take Trump’s message and work to heart and recognize the choices it is giving us. They are the choices of evil – sell out your country for a few pieces of silver; split humans into ‘better than’ and ‘lower than’ to be able to misuse and abuse those you designate as the ‘lower than’ to gain money and power.
My point is – see, think about, write about Donald Trump as he is. Not as a parable to or continuation of Hitler. Trump’s future could bring about a country and a world that would make what Hitler tried to accomplish look minuscule and good by comparison.
The talk about Trump being “crazy’ – the claim that Trump does all of this because he doesn’t like to read and therefore doesn’t understand – doesn’t ‘understand’ the system in which he is living and isn’t interested in learning – and all of the cliche’s thrown out to ensnare you. Don’t believe them. They are not true. Trump makes choices each day based on what he wants to achieve. Trump shows each day his priorities and values. Trump says to us in all of his actions who he is and from whence he has come and where he is going. We need to believe what he is showing and saying. We need to understand that is who he is – there is nothing magical about how Trump reading books and understanding the system of government he illegitimately heads would change him for the better. He is who he is and the path of treason is what he has chosen. To sell out his country, his friends and his companions seems to be how he is structured. It doesn’t even have to be for his own good – which he doesn’t seem to recognize.
To bring the worst of the leadership from around the world into the United States to work with him; advise him on his next steps; to help them bring about their goals and objectives in their own countries even if it means dragging down his own, is not about being crazy; nor unread; nor lazy; nor any of the other adjectives. It is about Donald Trump being a human being who has chosen this way and is following it to his end.
Anything else is our redefining him in ways that make him and what he is about palatable to us. Richard Nixon did some awful things, but treason was not one of them.
To give his supporters, friends, contributors reasons to continue without publicly accepting their responsibility for Trump, his administration and his life is our walking his path; doing his bidding; working to achieve his goals and calling them our own. It is our submitting to the evil in us instead of taking the harder road of seeing and speaking truth. To obfuscate and to ‘be nice’ is easy. To do good, to believe God and to speak truth no matter the cost is not easy.
Evil brings about confusion to entrap you. Trump is the champ at that. See those parallels, don’t let them confound you and take you down the justify path. See how history rolls out into the present and understand. See what love, justice and the American way means and not what Trump or anyone else tries to tell you it means. See where real sacrifice is necessary and don’t sacrifice for evil – it only brings death, starvation, extreme denial, theft and murder in its path.
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