Disinformation – What is it? What role does it play? Why use it?
Disinformation is the creator of institutional racism, institutional sexism, institutionalized bigotry of all kinds. It is the main tool humans use to create their societies, their governments, their families, their lives.
Shakespeare used disinformation to promote anti-semitism and it was such a powerful use of disinformation we accept it as normal, right, gospel even unto today..
Politicians use disinformation to win their contests and having been successful at it, they continue to use disinformation as the major tool in their tool box to run the government they have won through such evil.
Disinformation created the negative black stereotype to which many pledge allegiance.
Disinformation is what we have used for hundreds of years to oppress women and keep them as tools and the unacknowledged slaves of this world.
Disinformation is the god of our world and the one to which we really give obedience and in whom we trust all of our assets, our lives, our everything. It is and has been used to invalidate God and put in God’s place the creative creature we need to rule – to prove our point – to gain the ascendancy – to maintain the fiction that one person is “better than” another. We have successfully created and follow a god created, through the use of disinformation, in the image of man – white man.
Why use it?
Because we are lazy. Because we are power hungry? Because we value money above all else and this is one way, the most effective way to achieve all of those things.
The disinformation we have created, even in telling the story of our history, is so strong it negated Christianity and distorted its history into the one needed to rule the world.
It takes courage to be truthful.
The one thing we are loathe to accept and acknowledge is our human weakness – our sins – our lies. How to go on living without that acceptance? Through disinformation.
Kill a human being and then go to Court with lots of expensive attorneys to attempt to prove that you did no such thing. The way the attorneys do that is through disinformation.
Fire a human being from work whose firing comes down from the top corporate suite because that person is violating the stereotypes we live by. How to do it? Through disinformation – through lies, innuendos and more.
Maintain separate and closed neighborhoods by race, ethnicity and more – HOW? Through disinformation.
Look at what is happening in the world today! What has caused it? How was it done? How has it gotten this far? Through the use of disinformation.
Where are the people who are going to come out and tell the truth about Putin and what he is doing?
Where are the people who are going to come out and tell the truth about Donald Trump and what he is and has been doing?
What would they lose if they did this? – Money, power, reputation, what they see as their future and where they want to be and go in this world.
Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple. Who amongst us has the courage to tell the truth about our banking institutions? Who has the courage to call out those spreading the disinformation that the rest of us have bought into?
Why is it so difficult to call out those spreading disinformation with current and accurate information?
Why is it so difficult to simply tell the truth?
The empires we build on disinformation are very small yet that smallness builds empires.
Will we and the societies in which we live ever be free of disinformation?
If we could all come together at one point in time and agree to destroy disinformation and never use it – maybe we might have a chance. Isn’t that why institutions like the United Nations, the Church, the Synagogue, the Temples came into being? And isn’t that also why they are all failing? We have not been able to give up the incredibly addictive drug of disinformation
One of the saddest figures I have seen is the man who took his gun and went to the pizza parlor to shoot it up because of the disinformation he believed which was told to him to stop one political candidate from winning the presidency of the United States in favor of the one who encouraged, paid for and helped spread the kind of disinformation which that pathetic guy trying to rescue young people from the pedophiles in the basement of that pizza parlor when the pizza parlor did not even have a basement. All done through disinformation.
Disinformation is the way Donald Trump has chosen to use as the means of living his life gaining money and therefore power and control. The truth does not exist in his life and surroundings.
Trump became the enemy when he teamed up with Vladimir Putin. Disinformation reigns supreme in their worlds.
Disinformation goes from those at the top all the way down to the very smallest of human beings. We all rely on being able to use disinformation – the creator and maintainer of institutional racism and all the other -isms.
Isn’t it time we stop disinformation – call it out for what it is and pledge to live our lives in truth? Elect our officials based on the truth of who they are and what they are about – earn our living based on the truth of our work and more?
Is it possible for human beings to even live in truth? Is that why disinformation has so taken over our world and is that which we are trying to spread around the universe so when we are able to access the universe at our desire we will feel at home?
God forgive.
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