Describe Sin!

copyright 2014 Bettina Network, inc.

We had an interesting question over breakfast and an even more interesting answer.

The question was – can you describe sin?

The answer was – sin is the lack of empathy no matter how or where it surfaces.  The most common way it surfaces is in racism and sexism, but it is prevalent in all areas of society, anyplace where human beings live and in anything we do and in any way we function.

The conversation went on – what is the most painful experience in the world?

The answer was – lack of empathy.

Why?  – Because we are all connected and someone showing/feeling lack of empathy towards another human being has let go of, cut off that connectedness and experiences moving off into the darkness and un-known-ness of space alone to experience the cold, depression, addiction, extreme loneliness of one cut off from him or herself.

Does everyone experience lack of empathy?

The answer was – yes, at some time or other and in different degrees.

Is there an antidote?

The answer was – yes, but I don’t know what it is.

The question was – how do we know we are experiencing lack of empathy?

The answer was – by the strength of our denial when confronted with our lack of empathy.

It was a very strange and intense conversation and we hope the above captures it to pass its content along.


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