David Letterman Needs to Resign
It was clear where David Letterman was coming from when he made the very ugly and extremely sexist comments about Sarah Palin’s daughter. His disrespect and abuse of women showed through strongly when he could aim such ugliness at a young 14 year old girl who he didn’t even know. Why was that necessary? We now know why. To Mr. Letterman it was normal and funny and just a fine thing to do. His friends glad handed him, slapped his back, gave him a cigar and admired his macho. In his mind, it probably added two inches – and not to his height, to do such a thing.
At the same time, several people noted that David Letterman must be misusing and abusing women big time to come up with such an ugly remark, deliver it so easily and expect a great laugh therefrom. We were surprised no one called for his resignation then. We think many people let that slide because it was framed against a high profile political family who it is now fashionable to trash. Instead of letting politics get in the way, the remark itself should have been responded to properly and Mr. Letterman made to fade into a history, which minutely documented his inability to respect women and young girls.
Sexual abuse is very lethal in the work place and we are certain many women’s lives were changed and not for the better because of Mr. Letterman’s assumption that as boss, the women under him were literally obligated to be “under him” when he took an interest in them. Isn’t that the traditional way for insecure men at the top to act? Isn’t it time to call them out? Women should not have to trade sex for a job, a promotion or anything else. Women who have problems, having been raised without a father are prime targets for men like Mr. Letterman. And those same women are generally the last to be able to stand up and call out the men who have sexually abused them – can you ever doubt the truth of that?
Unless sexual abuse is recognized and rejected, equality will never happen because there will always be the David Letterman’s who get away with years of abusing the women who work for them and then point fingers – filthy fingers with even filthier comments at girls as young and innocent as the Palin daughter of 14 years who had to endure the lurid publicity which Lettermans comments generated.
It is interesting that he was so quickly and easily able to make such a heavily sexual comment about a young 14 year old girl. And the filthy fingers were all over women trying to establish themselves in a career, to support their families and to raise their children. There have always been and always will be the David Lettermans in the work place. When we endorse them by allowing them to stay and rub everyone’s face in their arrogance and inappropriate superiority who are we as a society? Our morality and ethics will have taken a big nose dive into the gutter – and it is a very dirty gutter.
It is past time to recognize those who come out so vocally in support of sexual abusers of women and to look closer at them, because they are in the same camp and will soon be “outed” for the same reasons.
The women who work and/or worked for David Letterman and who were so abused need to find their strength and courage to come out, stand up and be counted among those who will not allow such to continue and to continue being hidden. They can find work elsewhere if their bosses also are hiding their own sexual abuse by standing behind David Letterman. How does that old saying go – there, but for the fear I’ve engendered in those women who have children to feed – raise – take care of, who I have so seriously disrespected and to whom I have caused much grief, goes I.
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