Creole Breakfast Cake

copyright by The Bettina Network, inc. 2010

“Creole” is New Orleans Creole.
This is a quick and simple breakfast cake which can be made in less than 20 minutes.  Very good if you want a nice ending to breakfast and don’t want to spend hours baking.  If you want to dress it up, whip a little heavy cream, add organic turbinado sugar to the heavy cream and drop a dollop on top of a slice of this cake.  Rumor has it the recipe was created in a convent in New Orleans when the nuns were cleaning out the refrigerator and baked this with what they had.

1/2 cup Organic Turbinado Sugar
1/2 cup Organic, Stone-Ground, Whole Wheat Flour

for this cake you can use either Pastry or Regular Flour, depending upon your taste at the time
Use Pastry Flour when you want a more refined cake, Regular Flour when you want
something a little heartier – just make sure whatever you use is not only Organic and Whole Wheat
but it is also Stone Ground – a very important distinction – otherwise the flour is milled with heat
which destroys all of the nutrition and it becomes a flour which has a very long shelf life.  It has
that long shelf life because bugs won’t touch it – there is no nutrition in it.  Even bugs know you
don’t bother eating what doesn’t contribute to your life and health.  What bugs won’t eat, neither
should you.  A long shelf life benefits the seller, and ruins the health of the buyer.

1 Tablespoon baking power
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup Organic milk (preferably raw)
1 organic egg
4 Tablespoons Organic butter (melted)
Extra  Organic Turbinado Sugar and Cinnamon to mix and sprinkle over top of cake.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix the sugar, flour, baking powder and sale.  Add the egg, milk and melted butter.  Mix well. Place the mixture in a round or square baking dish, depending upon your taste.  Make the baking dish either stainless steel or glass, please.  Sprinkle the top with the sugar and cinnamon mix.

Bake about 15 minutes.

Couldn’t be quicker or simpler for a nice treat to sooth that sweet tooth.


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