Creating a Totalitarian State
What does it take to turn a democracy/republic into a fascist totalitarian state?
We saw some of that happen during Germany’s change to the Third Reich. We are looking at another example with the United States.
What struck me was the Executive Order of Donald Trump’s making all of the information on the internet – personal and otherwise – available to whoever will pay for it – or can code programs to collect, inspect and categorize it. Every keystroke you take will be shipped off someplace into the ether. Maybe to a marketing organization with a contract paying millions for that information, but it actually could be to any other organization wanting or needing that information. Another step in eliminating privacy of United States citizens, and at the same time, privacy of many around the world. So it isn’t just happening in the United States.
One requirement of a totalitarian state is lack of privacy and the ability of government or other institutions privately owned or otherwise, to access anything about any individual. In this day of instantaneous response, it is especially great to have that information in an instance and that is what is happening with the help of Mr. Trump and his Executive Orders. Each Executive Order and each related change has a little bit of the history of what the United States was and what Donald Trump and his co-workers are attempting to turn it into.
One thing that I don’t think even Mr. Trump has considered. – He is very expendable.
Do you think for a moment that whoever is in back of this change – and it is clearly not Mr. Trump – is going to let a loose cannon like Donald Trump continue in charge of the United States once that change has been made? I don’t think so. The first time most citizens of the United States will realize they are now completely a manipulable totalitarian state under a rulers control – assisted by a rulers’ family and friends, who are not named nor related to Trump – will be with the demise of Donald Trump. He is the ‘pathological liar’ who will have made such a change, but he will not enjoy the fruits of his labor. One can’t afford to allow such an unstable and unpredictable person to remain in charge or those fighting him will eventually gain the upper hand and begin to turn the United States back into the democratic nation and into the republic that it once was – with modern-day improvements. Trump, however, is too unpredictable and – let’s be truthful – a little bit flaky – and oh my, even too narcissistic and ‘child in revolt and not controllable’.
Wonder how many of you have thought of this? I may be a bit paranoid, although no one has ever called me such. Instead, they call me a ‘seer’. Et tu!
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Poetry – Valerie Gillies