Conversations about “The Flu”
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2013
It is amazing how we could be taken over by serious and urgent conversation about something that used to be so common and harmless. A little worse than a cold, but tolerable and aren’t you glad its over. A couple days off from work; lying in bed – reading, eating, sleeping and then all is well.
Today, it is a major catastrophe. An epidemic of gargantuan size. A threat to civilizaiton. The end to life as we know it.
Most of the conversations over breakfast lately have always included something about the flu. In fact, we have had a couple guests who arrived with the flu who we had to offer to serve them breakfast in bed so the other guests would not revolt and run screaming out of our houses:)
In spite of all the talk, we have not had the flu – or a cold – in three or four years. Can’t brag about it because that’s when it happens. However, reflecting on the conversations and seeing how most of it was people who wanted to know how to strengthen their immune systems rather than whether or not they should get a flu shot, we are convinced society will survive this threat.
One thing we have changed in our lifestyle and recommended it several blogs ago – was to give up anti-perspirants and deodorants because we believe they are wicked bad. Trying to do just that we had about a one month time of being very careful when around other people – not because of the flu, but because we didn’t want to share any obnoxious odors we might generate from having given up antiperspirants and deodorants. We went around smelling under our arms constantly when out and about; getting a bit perplexed when the organic apple cider vinegar we talked about using instead of the anti-perspirants, etc. gave us a hard time because it didn’t hold.
Well, that all worked itself out. We now don’t even have to think about it. Taking a shower in the morning – without soap, just plain warm water over the body to get rid of the overnight smells and then splash a little Bragg’s Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother under our arms we are good to go for the day.
Something must happen – the body must adjust and need a couple weeks to get over its dependency on having its under-arm pores plugged with aluminum to keep from smelling, because after a couple weeks I can go two days without showering and without additional apple cider vinegar and smell just as nice and fresh.
I remember a time in the United States, when I was little, that people went a week without bathing. Saturday night was the big ‘clean-up’ night. You bathed – you soaked – you washed your hair – you defoliated and anti-perspirants were not around. You just didn’t smell bad all week. Today, with the diet changes, the heavy processed foods we eat, the change from having heavy proteins as another spice in the food to having it as large hunks of meat and all the rest of our new lifestyle, you can’t go a day without a shower – and bathing seems to have gone completely out of style.
There was much talk around the breakfast table about how apple cider vinegar works to quell your underarm odors. To smell – you perspire and you have all those bacteria on your skin under your arms. They drink up the sweat and then have to go to the bathroom. They don’t have constructed houses under your arms with toilets which flush to send their excretions someplace else so you smell the result of their having gone to the bathroom under your arms. Antiperspirants eliminate that because they plug your pores with aluminum. Isn’t that supposed to be one of the causes for Alzheimer’s? Don’t know if that is true, but it was certainly discussed as a causative factor. Apple cider vinegar works because it is anti-bacterial and probably kills the bacteria so they have no need to go to the bathroom under your arm pits.
The most common vinegar talked about was Bragg’s Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. They have a health program and someone from the company who goes around and gives talks about staying healthy the “Bragg” way.
The television commercials are all cautioning you to wash your hands and showing people with piles of soap suds on their hands over a sink. We don’t wash our hands with soap and water. That makes things worse. All of your protective oils are washed away and for minutes after your fervent washing of hands all the germs in the world can come and find a home on your unprotected skin. We ‘wash’ our hands with Organic Apple Cider Vinegar and it works wonders for the skin. Sometimes, we even splash a little on our face taking care not to get it in the eyes because the burning will be fierce – we know because we’ve been there – done that.
Other than the vinegar as deodorant – the rest of the conversation was about the changes in our lifestyles and our environment, which seem to be breaking down our bodies at a very rapid pace, while we engage in denial. Others are worried about global warming – we are worried about poor health becoming a way of life in these United States and then around the globe since we seem to export our lifestyle universally.
We wish you good health and hope you avoid this ‘epidemic’. We also hope you will continue to read Bettina Network’s Blog and pass it around to all of your friends, colleagues, family and those you wish well.
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