Conspiracy Theory = Smoking Hot!

I go along with that conspiracy theory.  Listen to Trump do everything he can to lessen the load on the person arrested for the truck killings.  He has talked enough to prejudice the jury pool nationally; crosses over his constitutional authority by ignoring the separation which should exist between him and the justice dept and interfered with the justice department by threatening to send the guy to Gitmo.  What else is he going to do to make sure this guy does not get a fair trial?  What happens to trials with the jury pool tampered with and the president of the United States weighing in to claim this guy is guilty?  What does Trump have to do and say to see this guy get off with a light sentence, if convicted and/or to see that he does not reach trial, etc.  Wonder if he will come up with other ways to cut this guy loose!

This is so much worse than being president of the U. S. and having been born in Kenya.  Guess Trump is just an infant at these conspiracy theories.


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