Comments – Trump: An Analysis

I could not wait to read your analysis on Trump.  I know about your “seer” and she is great.  Too bad you couldn’t get her to write what she has seen about all of this.  Breakfast at that house is magnificent.  I leave feeling as though I know myself better than ever and have a little insight into the future.

As I read your “Trump: An Analysis” and have read other postings around the internet.  I have not been able to get out of my chair and  because I am LMAO.  The comment that keeps coming up about Trump’s Personal  Asset Accumulation as he goes through his presidency includes the U. S. Treasury is priceless.  At first it was funny until I realized he had appointed his children as managers of his assets in a blind trust and then asked for them to be given this top secret clearance so they could be a part of his briefings each morning.  I am still LMAO.  It is so ludicrous that I don’t know any comedian who can top what is actually happening in these United States.  Is this serious?  Maybe I am  watching the latest SNL and don’t realize that this is all one bad joke – a funny one, but bad nevertheless!  If so, SNL has never been so funny!

I can’t imagine what comes next.

Just to make sure I get all of your analysis – assuming you are going to put more into your blog – I signed up to receive it in my email. Please check to make sure my sign-up is there because I don’t want to miss anything.  I could write more because I have more to say, but I can’t stop laughing.


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Donald J. Trumps Message to his followers!

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