Comments from Several Bettina Members
ed. note: The articles which are published in Bettina Network’s Blog are written by members of Bettina Network Lifestyle Community. They could be the results of their research, recipes, stories, history, telling us what they are doing and need our support, restaurant reviews, interesting places to shop they know about, etc. Sometimes they send a full article and sometimes are moved to send a comment. What follows are several comments by different members of BNLC.
Our Members Speak!
1.) Everything I see about the U. S. Congress under Donald Trump’s presidency makes me think of J. Edgar Hoover. He was in power a very long time and folks were afraid to make a move which he did not approve. He kept files on Congress people as well as others he felt were important and who he might need to reach and those files, from what I knew of them, were tantamount to ‘blackmail’. I wonder if that is why we are seeing such a cowed response from Congress where they will not go against Donald Trump. This can’t be explained simply by congressional people needing money to run their next campaign and are afraid of alienating Trump and his buddies who are all throughout the Republican Party – especially at the top of the financial area. Or were at the top of the financial area – wasn’t that Michael Cohen and Broika?
2.). Treasonous Trump was notified by the FBI early in his presidential campaign as to the possibility of his campaign being targeted and infiltrated by Russia. He is now lying to what – cover himself? It is amazing that he is still president. Russia chose well to destroy the United States. Wonder what his reward will be!
3.). United States history is being replayed on a different level, but you can see the pattern. During the time of African slavery babies and small children were taken from their parents by whatever means necessary and mostly sold into slavery. Native American children were taken from their parents under the guise of ‘acculturating’ them properly? Those were horrendous and extremely painful times. Now today, the children of immigrants are being taken from their parents for no good reason except for the evil currently in the American system. How long will this be repeated? Don’t we see and learn these horrific lessons?
4.) Everything Treasonous Trump does seems to be something which promotes and pushes forward Vladimir Putin’s agenda. He seems to be intentionally weakening the country and doing a very effective job. Hope I am around to see the clash when Treasonous Trump realizes Putin’s Russia has a gross national product roughly equal to that of the state of California and he is president of much more. Will he then grab for Putin’s power and expand his mafia world wide? Will he have Putin arrested because Putin will not be magnanimous about giving up power? Or worse? Are there others he will go after to make sure they acknowledge his greater power and control of the universe?
5.). When I see Rudi Giuliani defending and speaking for Trump I think of the very similar way they treated their wives. Rudi announcing his divorce on the steps of Gracie Mansion with his wife inside, totally unaware that a divorce is on the horizon and his girl friend outside in front of the press at Rudi’s side. When you have that picture in your head and Trump on the slopes years ago with his wife discovering he brought his girl friend on their family vacation and installed her in an expensive condo practically around the corner and the three of them made a scene on the slopes when they met. And then we put these men up to do the work of the country and expect their ethics and values and character to be anything but crap?
6.) We have acknowledged and reported extensively on Bill Cosby and Weinstein. A name that must be added to that lineup is Donald Trump. The action of those men should be grouped together because they were very similar.
7.). I think Trump used fraud to keep from serving his country when called. Now he is serving himself at the United States’ banquet table where all the wealth, business and gold of his country are laid out and he is feasting on it. Feasting with greed like I’ve never seen before. Doubling the membership fees at Mar-a-Lago adding $100,000 per member to his pocketbook the day after he is elected president along with myriad other money and wealth grabs – it is unbelievable. I didn’t think I would ever see such money grab from the president of these United States. And at the same time his talk about patriotism and dumping on and calling others unpatriotic and “throw the **** out” just makes me want to gag. It is chilling and we have done nothing about this.
8.). His push to aggrandize U. S. businesses at the expense of the middle class and others is horrendous. Is he getting some kind of kickback from the businesses and industries he so ‘helps’ when he leaves office?
9.) What is happening in Puerto Rico just breaks my heart. I don’t know what to do and I feel strongly as though I should do something. Over 4,000 people died because of Donald Trump’s racism. How many more are we going to see meet a horrible fate because of his need to be better than. He has already cultivated many whites into stepping out into the sunlight with their White Supremacy. His father apparently marched in a white sheet and pointed hat down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D. C. as a part of the KKK – he is making what his father raised him to do and believe small. He has taken that filth to heights the father never dreamed.
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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.
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Love and Sex – A reader adds comments