Comments from Bettina Network Lifestyle Members
1) It is amazing to hear all of these folks talking about Donald Trump possibly being compromised – to explain his actions. What a load of crap. The assumption wrapped into the claim of someone acting in a certain way because they have been compromised assumes they would normally act in a different, better way. It is time to acknowledge that Donald Trump is simply corrupt and has been for decades. His life’s history shows that clearly. Putin has not corrupted Trump. Trump has acted and said the things he has said and done because he sees that to be to Trump’s advantage. My assumption is that Trump sees himself becoming an Oligarch and having the wealth he has pretended to have for decades through his association with Putin and Russia.
Before he became president Trump apparently, according to those around him, had lots of money passing through the Trump Organization from Russia. After he filed so many bankruptcies – six they say – American bankers would not deal with him so he went through Deutsche Bank where Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s son works and money flowed to him.
Is his nomination of Kavanaugh for Supreme Court Justice really about a deal cut with Anthony Kennedy from Ivanka through Kennedy’s son to Kennedy resulting in Kavanaugh? Novels were written about such deals – businesses thrive through cutting such deals and here we are with this one right out in the open. There is no longer hidden evil, it is right out there for all to see and still it thrives.
When Trump leaves the presidency he won’t have much chance of making the kind of money he seeks. After all the Obama’s only made several million through their book deal, and a few talks, etc. and the Clinton’s the same and those who went before were a little wealthier because of their service to their country.. Trump, however, is looking for multi-billions not multi-millions and he can’t do that through book deals or speeches. He can accomplish that through ripping off the American government and its people and coming out in the multi-billions category. After all, he has something to sell – and that is the American Government and its influence to the highest bidder and currently, that seems to be Russia.
Enough of this business about Trump having been compromised. Trump is doing what he has always done – looked out for Trump in a greedy way going in the direction of the money with no thought to the trashing of everything he has left in his wake. I think often of the missed opportunity many of those trying for an education were screwed out of through Trump University.
2) I have never understood why Mitch McConnell and the other Republican Congress people held up the confirmation of Judge Merritt Chase for the Supreme Court. They wanted a Supreme Court appointee made by a Republican President. BUT, the person who looked like the winner and the next president was Hillary Clinton. So to follow that logic, they would have wanted someone like Merritt Chase rather than risk who Hillary would appoint – unless they knew something the rest of us did not know. They knew as long as a year before the election that Donald Trump would be elected president. How could that be unless they were involved in colluding with the Russian to bring about the election of Donald Trump, or they knew about the collusion of others and stood by and watched and approved since they saw themselves as benefitting. Either way it is despicable. Trump nominating Kavanaugh seems to be another spit at Obama from Trump as Trump appoints the man who works under Merritt Chase to a position over him. The filth being spewed by Donald Trump over all of us is monumental, foul and that for which we will repent and have to work hard to clean up for generations.
3) I heard many rumors that Trump’s rallies are being stacked with paid attendees. Any truth to that rumor?
4) Trump likes and understands Kim Jong Un because he would like to be in that kind of position and because Trump sees someone like himself? What does that say about those sucking up to Trump?
5) The abortion issue seems to miss a big point. Why do so many “Conservative” men and very sexist Paternalistic institutions wind up seriously, loudly and aggressively anti-abortion? Many men who are serially sexually abusive and engage in sexual assault against women are also anti-abortion. Does this mean the out of control male ego needs to know it can spread its sperm and wants no intervention to stop the children it is spreading around the world to prove its virility – especially those not caring for such children?
6) No worries that Kavanaugh, if he becomes a Supreme Court Justice, would be led by a good character, ethics, etc. His career shows his great ability to suck up to advance. We are so accustomed to so many advancing through that suck-up avenue we demur from calling that what it is. In this case, he would be coming to the Supreme Court as another mafia member where there have been so many appointed in the Trump Administration. The only question open is whether or not he will become a “made man”. Trump has made a few mistakes with his appointments thinking he was appointing “Trump Loyalists” who would kiss the ring. In actuality Trump’s corruption has become so extensive and so public that those appointed who thought they were being “promoted” and this was their chance in a job they wanted badly, have discovered their character and ethics have not allowed them to “suck up” the way one needs to if one wants to continue being a part of the Trump Administration. So many have been fired after having discovered that fact. Having been fired from your job in the Trump Administration has become a badge of honor – they should wear it proudly because it does say something about their character. That does not include those who had to leave because the public outcry against their corruption was so loud and strong they had to leave under disgrace.
7) This is all too much for me. This is not at all the country in which I was born – my parents were born – into the fourth generation. Some things I didn’t even think about before now. I’ve lived my life with the American mythology rather than the reality of who we are – I haven’t even faced the reality of who we are as human beings. All this took was for the United States to elect a black president? And a very competent and substantial black person who set a tone and reached a level that few have reached in that office. Have we all gone crazy because our identity – our White Supremacy – was threatened by that and now it has to be turned around so we won’t have to suffer the ignominy of equality? And we elected a Donald Trump to do that job?
I now understand how Hitler’s Nazism took over Germany; how Joe McCarthy held sway in the United States and destroyed so many lives for several years; how the Japanese Concentration Camps were founded and kept alive and thriving; how the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed and acted upon for a very long time; how the Native Americans were so destroyed after they put themselves out to help those who came to these shores very unprepared for what they found; how Jim Crow became the law of the land verified and solidified by the United States Supreme Court and kept the law of the land by that Court until recently. Where have I been, thinking I am living in this great democratic country? This fantastic republic? Look how quickly and how easily Donald Trump has taken over and turned everything around to move this country into an evil place. What kind of a dream state have I been occupying! Even knowing all of the above and starting to re-read history I slip up and go back to that naive person who was wrapped up in the unreality, the untruths sold to me from childhood. I don’t want to face this reality. There has to be redemption in here someplace. Goodness can’t have gone missing. Greed, powerhunger and all the rest can’t take the place of the values my parents instilled in me. Stop this and let’s get on with life as I knew it once again – only lets keep marching to an even better place. At the moment we are all in lock step on our way to hell.
ed note: The above was sent by members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community. No other comments are necessary.
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