Comey/Head of FBI/QuidProQuo?
Listening to the hearings on Monday was quite emotional. Getting feedback from many – it was amazing to hear that most of us agreed on the same thing. That is highly unusual. We tend to be a disagreeable lot!
Most striking about those hearings was to know and remember that James Comey came out with this announcement claiming that Hillary was under FBI investigation just before the Presidential election in November, 2016 telling the world they had discovered many more emails. At that time, Comey said nothing about either Trump or the Trump Campaign or Trump Campaign operatives being under a counterintelligence investigation – and they were – and that is far worse.
Since that time, we have seen several Trump Campaign operatives being fired and/or being seriously investigated for these kind of violations. Some fired or not appointed because they could not get the requisite security clearance.
So far, that cannot be said of anyone in Hillary Clinton’s campaign. She was under investigation for using an email server that was not considered secure enough, even though other Secretaries of State had done the same thing and many of the emails being talked about were not classified until after the fact.
Trump was under investigation for what amounts to treason – for colluding with the Russians to have the results of this past Presidential election be the result wanted by Putin and his boys. Comey had the evidence of Trump having asked for the negative plank in the Republican National Convention about Ukraine be removed plus a few other such things that Putin wanted – much more serious violations than those for which Hillary was being scalded.
As time passed Comey backed down and said the emails, which caused the investigation against Hillary to be reopened did not come from Hillary Clinton’s computer and those emails were duplicates of ones already in the FBI’s possession and they had been determined to be harmless and of very little relevance.
The media and others were more interested in dealing with the content of Hillary’s emails than in the circumstances around all of this which screamed to be dealt with. Who said what to who from Podesta’s emails was petty bickering compared to this environment of the Trump Presidential campaign going back and forth with the operatives of a country which was very adversarial to the United States. This was not England, Canada or France – this was Russia and Putin. And what that means is clearly born out by the number of Russian oriented people now working in the U. S. Government at a very high level having been appointed to their jobs by Donald J. Trump.
And then on Monday came the revelation, during the hearings, with Comey and others under heavy pressure to reveal possible ongoing investigations into folks. The FBI and Comey, its head, did not and would not reveal if anyone was under investigation – he/they said that kind of disclosure violated FBI policy. That was verified time after time after time as questions came up and Comey repeated constantly that he could not reveal if anyone was under FBI investigation.
Apparently, during the presidential election, Comey made an exception and broke that rule so he could announce that Hillary was under investigation to make sure Donald Trump would be elected and he – Comey – would have his job by being reappointed as head of the FBI under Donald Trump. Quid Pro Quo? And was there anything else involved in this that would benefit Comey besides what looks like a definite quid pro quo about which we will never know all of the details?
After Comeys announcement, right before the election, destroying Hillary’s chances of winning the presidency – this announcement made by Comey followed weeks of the Trump campaign promising that there would be a big announcement, close to the end of the campaign, that would turn the election in Trump’s favor. In spite of this one sided announcement with Comey mentioning only Hillary Clinton – we heard during Mondays hearings that Donald Trump and his campaign were under criminal investigation from at least July, 2016 and probably from as early as March, 2016, throughout the rest of the campaign year and throughout the election. Comey, at the time of his announcement about Hillary Clinton, said nothing about that investigation into Donald Trump and his campaign operatives. That clearly was a move to strengthen Trump’s chances of winning and to destroy Hillary Clinton’s. No one in Comey’s position is naive about politics and what would result from such an act
The way Trump and his campaign operatives dumped all over Hillary and hit very hard on how awful that was and the criminality involved and the country put in serious jeopardy because of Hillary being under FBI investigation, it was clear they knew they would not have to eat crow before the election – which means they knew the announcement that Trump was under a much more serious investigation would not be made before the November votes were cast.
That needs to be clearly stated. When Comey was reappointed as head of the FBI shortly after Trump won the presidential election our question is – Quid Pro Quo? YES! An FBI director knows he must avoid even the appearance of evil – so Comey knew clearly that he was not doing that. He announced a Hillary Clinton investigation and was quiet about the Donald Trump investigation which would have produced a very different result. Donald Trump would not now be President of these United States – wrecking havoc in world affairs, totally out of control.
Mr. Comey needs to be questioned under oath as to his role in all of this and what, if anything, did he receive for the part he played in getting Donald Trump elected. It cannot be denied that he played a very crucial role. Hillary Clinton’s numbers showed a landslide victory until that announcement came from Mr. Comey. I am sure that landslide victory possibility was a serious concern for Mr. Putin and we think he would have been willing to pull out all the stops to prevent that from happening.
Comey was showing the world whose camp he was in and it wasn’t even close to Hillary Clinton’s, nor was it a neutral camp. That was also reflected during the hearing in little places here and there that apparently went unnoticed. When Congressman Turner asked a question during the Monday hearing in which he claimed unequivocally with no if ands maybes, etc. that the Washington Post and the New York Times reported lies – Comey not only let that pass, but quietly agreed with him. I won’t go through all of those kind of moments, but there are clearly several in the record.
Trump and his campaign hit Hillary hard about the Constitutional Crisis that would happen if Hillary were elected President and how immediately thereafter she would be swamped with this criminal FBI investigation and on and on they went and there was no announcement from Comey about Trump and his campaign being under a very serious investigation which involved Putin, Russia and the possibility that Trump and his campaign people were colluding with the Russians to interfere with this election and to make sure that Trump won and Hillary lost.
We can’t emphasize enough that Hillary was the subject of an investigation because of her emails, and using an email server that wasn’t considered private enough. That is like kindergarten kids playing in a play ground compared to what Trump, Putin and their boys were doing and does not begin to reach the heights of an investigation which is looking at Trump and his campaign for what would amount to treason – opening the door to the American voting process being manipulated and controlled by a foreign government.
James Comey needs to be investigated. He clearly had something to gain – keeping his job, for starters, and he showed he was willing to take serious risks for Trump in the way he talked about Hillary being under investigation and keeping quiet about the fact that Trump was also under investigation for much more serious transgressions than was Hillary.
So where are we today? Trump is making threats to Republican politicoes that if they don’t listen to him and do his bidding he will take his rallies to their districts and turn voters their against them. That is a very potent threat. How much more of this ugly and vicious control by a man who is a pathological liar are we going to take as we watch Trump and his close supporters working very hard to turn these United States into a fascist Nazi-style dictatorship which will finally be put under Putin, if Trump has his way. Just about everyone at the top of this current government is involved in Russia, bigotry personified and/or mafia. Trump, Tillerson, and on and on and on.
We have always thought that the closeness between Trump and his daughter was because she is one of the few people who know about him and his purported business dealings with the Eastern European mafia. She was with him at some crucial moments during their time together doing business. It is time for this to be investigated and exposed – especially now that she is in the West Wing of the White House.
Trump’s rallies are dwindling and he will probably have to go back to the way his rallies got started – with people being hired to act as though they are simply attendees and Trump supporters when in reality they are hired actors and others to swell the ranks and get people to respond the way Trump would like them to respond.
And finally, Trump claimed all during his campaign that he had a secret very potent way to defeat ISIS and we would all see that happen when he was elected. Well people, he has been elected and his secret, potent way to defeat ISIS is to continue the program and the way Obama set down for this to happen.
This Trump presidency is a house of cards and it is time to collapse that house.
For us – Trump, Pence and all of their appointees need to resign enmass and get out of the way so we can get on with the business of living under a democratic republic without lies, thievery, treason, viciousness, stealing from the poor to give to the wealthy, destruction of arts and other programs which took generations to build, moving away from health care for all – even though that was one of Trump’s promises and more.
Enough is enough! It is time for a recall – or at the very least an Independent Prosecutor so Trump can be investigated outside of a Republican controlled Congress.
That Republican controlled Congress was totally uninterested in an independent and unbiased investigation. Their questions during the hearing were questions which tried to make Trump and his boys look good and to get him clear of all the ugly he has done instead of questions pointed to what needs to be answered honestly, forthrightly and clear. Trump is appealing to that side of those White Northern European Republican men that is a little like him – give them a piece of cake with the promise of the entire sweet and their ethics begin to crumble. That is what is beginning to happen and to stop that needs to be done TODAY!
It took Hitler less than a year to turn Germany into something they paid spent decades repenting and paying for. Trump is moving much faster and we are watching United States ethical base falling pretty rapidly.
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