Comcast – The Saga Continues
We’ve seen the advertisements Comcast has put all over television and other places touting its great customer service with guarantees. They don’t say the penalty on Comcast if they violate that guarantee. They have and are still violating it, from the experience of the Bettina Network, inc.
Having filed a complaint against Comcast with the FCC we wondered if that was a waste of time or if it will produce results. The problem we started with was miniscule and could have been corrected with very little effort on Comcast’s part. We can only assume they are either totally incompetent and should close their doors or they have a vendetta against Bettina Network, inc.
What we have just experienced is beyond the pale!
We received a telephone call from a Comcast employee in the Executive Complaint area who identified herself as Juanita Evans and gave her telephone number as 888-309-2583 ext 44283. It was definitely from Comcast because their name came up on our telephone ID.
Ms. Evans said she was calling because of the complaint we filed with the FCC, she would like to see if she could settle this problem. I reiterated the complaint – which is simple – but Ms. Evans was not in a listening mode. It became clear shortly after I started to tell her the problem – which she should have already known – that she was calling to justify Maria Manning – the Comcast employee we are still reeling from. That was her only objective. She went into great detail as to how long she had worked with Ms. Manning – how she had seen her diligence, etc. in resolving customer problems and what a fantastic person Maria Manning was and a very competent employee. It was an amazing conversation! What ever happened to the customer in this saga?
She called at 4:03pm on Tuesday November 8, 2011.
The call ended with Ms. Evans saying she would investigate and get back to me.
She called back at 5:30pm and in a lowered, very serious, slow voice she told me Comcast had nothing to do with the problem. I should call the telephone company with whom we did business and have them fix the problem I should not bother Comcast. She said she had done a thorough investigation of the problem and discovered we were not Comcast customers.
I am still in a state of shock from that bit of information. When I told her that company was Comcast, unless they were transferring customer accounts without the customer’s knowledge or consent. There was a long silence on her end of the telephone. I asked Ms. Evans – why would I bother calling Comcast if our telephone numbers were with another company – and having done a “serious investigation” – as she claimed – she would have had to start with records to show our telephones were with Comcast. Her lowered voice and serious manner changed – her voice went up an octave, became very hurried, said she would have to call me back and quickly hung-up.
Today is Thursday, November 17 and I have yet to hear back from Ms. Juanita Evans.
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