Coconut Oil Toothpaste?
Just when you think you know everything about a food along comes Dr. Mercola and with something new.
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Their latest entry is “6 Reasons to Start Using Coconut Oil as Toothpaste”. To subscribe go to and enter your email address where it says “subscribe now.” In the search box put “Coconut Oil as Toothpaste.” You won’t be sorry and you will be challenged to think and be conscious about your choices in food and other things.
Coconut oil to inhibit growth of bacteria responsible for tooth decay is a new one on even Bettina Network’s Blog. We use it to clean and oil furniture; to put on the hair after washing it; using it instead of Olive Oil for cooking – we still use Olive Oil for salads where it is hard to beat – and we still use Peanut Oil for frying; and occasionally for an all over massage, but It has taken a little bit of daring to use it for toothpaste. We will give it the Old School try and see what happens.
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