Cleaning Wood Furniture
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2012
I read and followed your blog on Cleaning Wood furniture from February, 2010. If you want to refresh your memory the address is or check on the left side of this page and click on February 2010. I would like to make a suggestion for change. We started using your method and got great results. Recently, we talked to friends of ours who suggested we substitute Walnut Oil for the Olive Oil or add half and half – half Olive Oil to half Walnut Oil and then add the lemongrass oil.
We tried this with a soft cloth on a piece of wood furniture and it worked really great. We also tried plain Walnut Oil instead of Olive Oil and that worked just as well.
Because I like Walnut Oil better than Olive Oil I think I will continue to use the Walnut Oil for cleaning and polishing wood furniture. My friend cautioned me against using Walnut Oil because she said it ‘stinks.” Nothing could stink as badly as the petroleum derivative oils that most use on their wood furniture. It is amazing what we humans can become accustomed to as normal and refuse to change or find the change inferior.
I tried using lemon juice and that was phenomenal, but I don’t always feel up to squezing a lemon and mixing it with the oils. Using just a few drops of essential lemongrass oil was simpler. The essential oil was one addition that I thought was super.
Thanks for your blog. It causes me to experiment and I have found several new possibilities which are healthier than what I was doing. This Walnut Oil – Olive Oil – Essential Lemongrass Oil is one of the best I’ve found. Its quick, easy, much cheaper than the commercial preparations – which I believe are harmful to your health and certainly ruin your hands. What makes me angry is that I have to pay much money to have my hands and health ruined while they spend my money on marketing to get me to buy an inferior product. This made my hands soft and beautiful as a result of oiling my furniture – who knew! It might even mitigate my getting a manicure so often!
If your readers have a hard time finding essential lemongrass oil they might try Frontier Co-op. Aura Cacia, whose products are offered through Frontier, sells essential lemongrass oil. Instead of the .5 bottles, you might contact them for 4 ounces, which makes more sense with this use for the essential oil. I love essential oil of lavendar and maybe one day I will try that when I oil my wood furniture, but for today I will stick with essential lemongrass oil.
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