Cleaning Wood Floors on a Holiday?

I spent the Thanksgiving holiday cleaning my wood floors.  Since I was a guest at someone else’s house for Thanksgiving I was able to do that and then go to dinner feeling really smug, superior and with imaginary smiley faces above my head because I had done great work and then appeared beautifully coiffed and dressed for the dinner.  Try it – you might find a great sense of satisfaction to take with you as you enjoy time with family and friends. And – when you invite them over to your house you can show off your newly beautiful wood floors.  This also eliminates the need to sand your wood floors every seven years or so – it preserves the wood; keeps it looking spectacular; and any imperfections turn into beauty spots as you oil away.

Why was this a great thing to do?  When I returned home, the house smelled fantastic and there were no off gases to disturb my already disturbed indigestion, full stomach, food coma, etc.

Bettina Network’s Blog has talked about cleaning wood floors.  I think I have taken their discussion one step further because I found the oil which does not become tacky after more then one application.  I used their method, just changed the kind of oil.  You can search this blog for what they have written, but if you try it I suggest that you use Grapeseed oil.  I think they suggest mixing oils or something like that.  I have used Grapeseed oil on my wood furniture in the past and reasoned that it would probably also be good for the floors – especially since having put several applications over time on my wood furniture without any sticky/tacky results this must be the oil to use.

This is not for the faint of heart.  This is for the human much in need of upper body exercise and strenuous, sustained exercise at that.  That little OOOO steel wool does not give you wide sweeping quick results.  I guess that is why those chemicals, preservatives and other things have become so popular in this society.  We don’t want to work.  With slavery out,  having to do it yourself results in lots of sin falling on others as we try to have quick and easy to use products replace slaves.  If you are interested in maintaining your good health – or at the very least not doing any more damage than you have already done to your body – you might ignore the amount of work and time this takes and try replacing those quicker methods and dangerous chemicals with this tried and true, for generations .way of doing things.  Knowledge we’ve lost and can’t pass on to our children.  What we are passing on is very lethal to them and their progeny and to any objects on which we are using those chemical-laden products.

We have replaced the positive work of former generations with going to the gym – walking – biking, etc.  Nothing wrong with any of those things, but when it comes to life maintenance we turn that from the process of exercising the same muscle groupings into drudgery that we have to pay others to do and give them seriously health negating products to do this work.  That is really screwed up.

First – if you have not done this before you need to clean your floors.  This is not a necessary step, but one that will make you feel better.  I did this with water and Mrs. Meyers.  As I moved along I replaced Mrs. Meyers with organic apple cider vinegar and then replaced that with just plain water and essential oil (lavender – my favorite oil for cleaning because moths and other such insects don’t like to live around this essential oil and I love the smell it gives to the house.). It wasn’t until I almost finished this cleaning step that I realized it was a lot of work for nothing.  I could have gone straight to the OOOO steel wool and grapeseed oil with better results.  But I felt better and felt the floors were cleaner with this extra step. Upbringing is hard to overcome.

This was much needed because I have been slack lately.  Tired of cleaning. Thought I was finished with this part of life, but the house ignored that thought and just went merrily on getting dirty again.

After washing the floor – I used OOOO steel wool and grapeseed oil.  Pour some grapeseed oil on the wood floor and rub it in with the OOOO steel wool.  If you have lots of wood floor you are in for a very long project.  I suggest you break it up into several days.  It is unbelievably good for the upper body.  You can drop your gym membership if you clean your own house using natural ingredients.  If you hire people to help you clean you are in for a long, brutal fight to get them to give up their horrible, chemical products.  Things are so bad now that people who clean bring their own vacuum cleaners and those who hire them brag about the fact that they don’t own a vacuum cleaner.  This young generations is spawning its own diseases and transmitting them in the most insane ways.

Rub the floor with the OOOO steel wool until all dirt is removed.  This is the real cleaning – the water and stuff was just suggested for those who don’t feel anything is clean without the suds and water step.  For the rest of us you could start with the OOO steel wool on the wood floor and forget washing with water – this does a better job.

I did one small square of the floor at a time.  Moved the furniture from that square  – oiled the floor – moved to the opposite side of the room – moved furniture from that small square – did the floor and then moved the first square’s furniture back into place because the oil dried and when I finished the room was ready for use.

After oiling with OOOO steel wool and grapeseed oil, wipe the floor with a soft cloth until as much of the oil is taken up as possible.  You will have a slight sheen and in about an hour the floor is ready to be walked on and it looks unbelievable.  For cleaning cloths I cut up my old, ripped sheets and keep them in a laundry basked using them as necessary.  I also cut up my old towels and keep them in the same place.  Would you believe I have a friend who actually goes to the store and buys cleaning cloths?  I couldn’t imagine spending money on such – especially since she generally throws out her sheets and towels when they are no longer usable as such.

For upkeep – simply use the soft cloth with a little grapeseed oil on the cloth and wipe up the floor.  If you have dirt working its way into the floor, use the OOOO steel wool to get those spots clean and then wipe the floor as dry as possible with the grapeseed oiled cloth.

Grapeseed oil is a little expensive, but not nearly as much as it would cost for the commercial floor cleaners and waxers which will make sure your house is full of off gases from the process for days and you will not be aware of all the chemical stuff you are breathing into your body setting it up for some kind of disease down the road.  Grapeseed oil for a normal room costs about $6 unless you want to go upscale and get the best grapeseed oil and that will cost you about $9-12 for a bottle and that is about how much you will need for a very large room.  Commercial cleaners cost quadruple that amount and more depending on which commercial products you use.

Have you noticed the difference between those living an organic life style and those going the processed/commercial/chemicalized route?  The people I see who look much younger than their years and who are healthier than you think you have a right to be are the ones using this kind of cleaning process with its attendant products and supplementing that with organic foods.

Food – Naturally grown products – are all that we need to keep a clean house.  Those people I know into fanatically clean houses actually have the filthiest houses on the block.  They are houses that will set you up for a cold or other kind of illness because the products they use for what they consider a fantastically clean house are really quite putrid.  I try to stay out of those homes.  It would be considered ill mannered if I put on a surgical mouth covering before entering so I just stay home or visit those whose cleaning habits I know.  I prefer to visit and/or live in a house that we consider “dirty” to one of those we consider really fantastically clean all the time where the one uses organic real food cleaning products and the other uses chemicalized product.  And I do my best to stay out of houses where cleaning people use one vacuum cleaner for all of their clients homes.

There is no reason to use anything for cleaning, eating, cosmeticizing your body except organic foods.  A strange concept for many today, but a healthy one for all human beings.  The colonizers brought in a new lifestyle – one on which they could make billions and are still pushing that lifestyle even today on the rest of us who are ignorant of our own best interests.  We have been sucked into human greed which destroys human life.

In the case of your wood floor, if you have a difficult time finding organic grapeseed oil  you can use regular grapeseed oil until you can find the organic kind.

It took quite a long time to clean my wood floors.  Hours, in fact.  That didn’t bother me because my hands are now soft from using an oil that not only cleans the floor, but leaves my skin better at the end of the job then at the beginning and I know that the next time it will just be a question of wiping the floor with a soft cloth with a little oil on the cloth and we are home free – clean, beautiful, nice looking house and well exercised body.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

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