Children Weaponized while Satan Quotes Scripture!

by Marceline Donaldson

It is unbelievable what is happening in these United States.  Trump’s bigotry and actions to “Make America White Again” is totally out of control.

We have many questions:

In the Internment/Concentration/Death Camps for children why are reporters being kept out?  What is going on in those camps which has to be kept secret from the American Citizenry and from the rest of the world?  The same thing was true in Hitlers’ Germany.  The citizens of Germany stood by while Hitler set up his Death Camps, his Concentration Camps, his Internment Camps and the rest of the world knew about this before German citizens did.  Is the same thing now true in the United States?

You question my use of the term “Death Camps”?  Are children dying in those camps?  And if they were do you think you would know about it?  Do you remember how profusely Donald Trump praised Kim Jong Un – how quickly he returned the salute of the North Korean general?  One thing Kim Jong Un is reported to have done is to have killed many of North Korean citizens in the equivalent of death camps.  Isn’t that what Donald Trump was praising?  How does he then come along and change to a human being who is anything other than a sociopathic president or worse?

People coming to the United States for asylum with their children are having their children separated from them and put into places where children are weaponized for Trump’s political purposes.  Some of those people are being deported – sent home without their children.  Where are the children of those being deported?  Why are they being sent home without their children?  Why are there no questions being asked or answered about the whereabouts of those children?  Do we care a little, but not enough to walk out on that ledge to demand answers – because if you are going to oppose this administration you better be ready for horrendous dictatorship responses.  There is Trump, but the evil comes from the fact that Trump has supporters and they are willing to do whatever is necessary to keep Trump in office.  They do appreciate the kind of things he is doing to maintain them as “better than” as “superior” to as “White Supremacy reigning supreme and he has been obliging all along.

Puerto Rico – where he threw paper towels into a crowd of people who had just gone through horrendous suffering and are still going through it with the resources they need being parceled out in such a way to maintain that suffering.  So far, the deaths of over 4,000 people are attributed to what happened in Puerto Rico.  Our government claims some 64 deaths so attributed.  Now take another look at those Children’s Internment Camps and try to not call them death camps.

Take a look at Charlottesville, VA. where a re-enactment of Crystal Nacht took place!  Trump was forgiven by the American citizenry for that display of bigotry.  Why?  Do you not understand what Charlottesville was about? “There are good people on both sides”!  What a beautiful sight was the procession with tiki torches down the mountain by the KKK, the Neo-Nazis, the White Supremacist quoting and chanting anti-Jewish slogans and changing to chants about the rest of the ‘minority’ peoples of the world.  Have you justified that?

Also take a look at how our justice system is being ridiculed and used against all of us.  When have you ever heard of children 3 and 4 years old being put on trial and made to defend themselves with no lawyers or other people representing them but the children themselves being forced to represent themselves and to be bound by the decision of the judges, which from what we can determine is always against the children?  Trump has appointed a large number of judges who can change this country into a place which makes Nazi Germany look like a walk in the park quickly.  Aren’t they now showing a film to these 3 and 4 year olds about the justice system and defending their rights and then declaring them able and responsible and knowledgeable enough to be able to appear in court on their own behalf.  What is that?  Where are all of you sleepwalkers?  Waiting for your children to be put in the same position – because that is coming as Trump’s grasp for power moves further out of control.  Look at his actions with only one trip to North Korean.  And – North Korea needs to take note – Trump has no boundaries.  When his ego and power needs reaches the current limits you are not in the clear and you will not be the glorified country you expect to be after Trump’s visit.  You will be somehow weaponized in the future.

What a field day for the petophile?  A field day created by the United States government under Donald Trump, an illegitimate president turning this country into a copy of all the horrendous dictatorships around the world and quickly moving beyond them.  Do you now understand why Trump was so profuse in his praise of Kim Jong Un?

And then there is “Satan”.  Attorney General Sessions – an ET.Evangelical Christian quoting scripture to back up and legitimize what Trump is doing. If Sessions knows enough about the Bible to quote from it, he also knows and someplace in his distant past learned that satan quoted scripture to Jesus to legitimize Jesus breaking with God in the 40 day fast to go along with what satan wanted Jesus to do – and wasn’t that basically to rule the world in satan’s name doing satan’s bidding?  Is that how Sessions justifies what he is doing for Trump?   Is that who you listen to and follow as your Attorney General?  If Trump is an illegitimate president does that make his appointment of Sessions illegitimate?  Is Sessions an illegitimate Attorney General and do all of these people get arrested for their impersonation of who was duly elected as president of these United States?  Do they get arrested for using their positions in the United States Government to abuse, kidnap and kill children?

Don’t you think it is time for you to get involved in other than being shocked, grieved and more by what your government is doing?  Or are you one of the Trump supporters who quietly or otherwise want to see him succeed in removing the brown and black people from this country so they make up only a small percentage and these United States goes back to being white again?

How much are you going to take before you take action.  How long are you going to stand in the shadows and allow this to happen?  Do you think you are immune?  Do you think Trump is going to stop at weaponized the children of those coming into this country for asylum?  Don’t you know the appetite of power?  Once unleashed as Trump’s has been – the limits of power knows no bounds – it may be the children of asylum seekers today but it is going to be your children tomorrow.  Especially since he sees how easy it is to weaponize children to get the populace to do what he demands.

Watch Congress – are they going to acquiesce to his demands and give him your tax payer money – your hard earned dollars to build a wall which will be expensive, ineffective and simply serve the purpose of making Trump a larger more dangerous dictator than he was before.

Congress could have acted on the little things along the way.  They kept silent.  Now they have much more dangerous things to try to push against.

I ask again – ARE THE CHILDREN OF ASYLUM SEEKERS DYING?  You think not?  How would your children fare in a desolate dessert in a ten which experiences 105 degrees outside and who knows how many degrees inside?  When your children do not know what is happening to them or why and are trying to make sense out of being ripped away from their family without their parents or other family even been able to say good-bye to them?  How are those young people making sense out of their present condition?  Add their grief to the heat and the conditions under which they are living – about which you know nothing and are being kept from knowing anything – how would your children survive?

ARE THE CHILDREN DYING AND ARE THERE CHILDREN WHO HAVE ALREADY DIED?  Otherwise – why are asylum seekers being deported without their children?

The media has given the benefit of the doubt to Trump and his supporters – confusion, bad organization, etc.  REALLY?  Is that it?  Or is the look of confusion really covering up children having died while in United States custody!  Why is there no one in court yet asking for proof of those children’s continued existence on this earth?

If you know history you know how long German Death Camps were operating before German citizens even knew they existed.  Nielsen, the current head of Homeland Security didn’t know the answer to where are all the children?  She has no idea what is going on in those camps and admitted to such in a press conference in the White House.

And you think Trump is any better than Hitler?  He looks a lot worse to me!  He is certainly moving much faster than Hitler did after his election in Germany and instead of setting up Death, Concentration, Internment Camps for adults Trump has weaponized your children – yes, your children, this is not about them and theirs this is about us and ours.  You are no different to Trump than those asylum seekers.  You are simply the means to more power like Kim Jong Un and others around the world exercise and Trump is fast earning his stripes.


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