Chick-fill-A – couldn’t resist commenting!
It is interesting that even bed & breakfast is getting involved in this conversation where Chick-fil-A takes a stand against marriage equality.
A Bed & Breakfast in Edgewater Park, N. J., has a sign posted outside indicating the Inn’s support of a planned, nationwide “Chick-fill-A” day by anti-marriage equality patrons, followed by the message, “Marriage, One Man, One Woman, One God.”
Wonder if any of you have thought about how this corporation puts the campaigners squarely in the anti-feminist camp? Bring back the woman as sex object and let us degrade her with signs, comments, corporations which take sexist titles as their name – remember Hooters? Where are they now – a traditional company having survived their slam against women?
Advertise your company and your sexist, anti-female, anti-equality sentiments at the same time! “Chick-fil-A” can mean many things and in this society it generally does not mean Chicken. Chick is a derogatory diminutive for women as sex objects in a very negative sense. They don’t have to say anything about gay marriage – their bias is right out front in their name, why would anyone expect anything any different from a corporation which takes such a name, advertises it and expects to be taken seriously!
They have already made a statement as to where they stand by their corporate name – it spells blatant, in your face SEXISM – it has staked out its territory and is marketing to the group it has defined as its potential customers. Right there in the camp which is dedicated to keeping us all unequal, inferior and feuding with each other over civil rights. They are doing everything possible to turn a woman into a thing (not too thinly veiled, of course) – an object for a man’s use and then discarded because it/she has an expiration date – generally after 28 years of age.
And after “Chick” comes the diminutive of filly – another name which reduces a woman to her sex object status. “What a fine filly” – ever hear that applied to women – oops, excuse me – applied to girls?
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