Declassify and Tweet the Pee Pee Tapes, NOW! And other related subjects!

Ed.Note: We have several communications from members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community which we share with you below. Your feedback is appreciate via email to: Person One: With all that is going on with declassifying – it is time to release the Pee Pee Tapes. If you have such and/or, in the spirit of…

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Bettina Oracle Speaks

The end of Donald Trump: Illegitimate President of the United States You folks need to stop bothering me and take care of your business. If you don’t, the next generation will simply have to repeat this scenario which has been repeated for generations without resolving anything. Learn a bit of history, your own history and…

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Boycott Wells Fargo!

Close your savings account! Close your checking account – or move it elsewhere! Any other accounts? Close them all – or work to have them moved to another bank. Choose carefully when moving to another bank. Make sure you are on solid ground, however, and your new bank is interested in you as a customer…

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Homelessness – What Causes It?

We have been studying this for years.  I can remember a time when there didn’t seem to be homelessness.  At least it was so carefully hidden most of us were not aware of anything except the romantic tale of the hobo who couldn’t live in a house – did not want to be closed in,…

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Wells Fargo Boycott – Recorded Phone Calls

In another Bettina Network article on the Wells Fargo Boycott was the suggestion that when Wells Fargo calls and the person on the line says they are recording this call, that article made the suggestion that you also record the call and let the caller know they are being recorded as well. What generally happens…

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The Underbelly of Mortgage Foreclosures #WellsFargo

We are drowning in the number of people who have contacted us.  In the process we discovered lots of information we did not have before.  Their experiences are eerily similar. We said in another articles on Wells Fargo Boycott to always have a recording device close to your telephone and when talking to banks, etc.…

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Wells Fargo Boycott – Yet Another Story of Financial Rape!

#WellsFargoBoycott     #WellsFargo What follows was taken from Bess Levin at Vanity Fair<>  It is a newsletter to which you can subscribe and we suggest you do – it is very good and timely and thoroughly researched. Remember – Call all of your friends, neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances and tell them about this Wells Fargo Boycott.…

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It Is Time to Boycott Wells Fargo Bank! – #WellsFargo

Bettina Network Foundation, inc. is calling on everyone to join in and actively participate in this boycott of Wells Fargo Bank. For a very long time banks have been fundamental in making sure there is none to very little change in this society.  Racism, sexism, homophobia, class discrimination, who owns and keeps the wealth in…

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