venture capitalists
………An Elegant Historical House for Sale!
49 Hawthorn Street – Cambridge, MA. 02138 – $5,800,000. What follows, under “House for Sale” describes a house which we would like to bring to your attention. We hope you will consider buying the house – either for yourself, your family or for one of your favorite institutions and/or charities. The house we…
Read MoreDanforth and Thiel have What in common?
The more we research the more unbelievable it all becomes. Maybe we are naive with expectations we should dump. Maybe the world needs to stop idolizing white male northern-europeans-ancestry people and start over again including everyone in decisions, actions, all to advance better living for everyone. It is really tiring to see generation after generation…
Read MoreDonald J. Trump – Mentally ill or evil!!
There is a huge difference between someone who is mentally ill and someone who is just plain evil. Looking back and through Donald Trump’s life, it is clear he is not mentally ill, he is clearly evil and has practiced his craft for decades. Who in literature – especially biblical and spiritual literature do you…
Read MoreEthics and Integrity in Business
We have published blogs on the beginnings of Airbnb and outlined how and when the idea was stolen from an African American woman by three white males who were sent to her home to get info on the business she had been building for many years. If you want to know more about that, search…
Read MoreA New Political and Economics Vocabulary!
It sounds so foolish for people in the United States to be trying to frame this upcoming presidential election around old concepts which were relevant during the time of the Cold War but not today. When used, the concepts being thrown around in preparation for this upcoming 2020 campaign are confusing and the cause of…
Read MoreMitch – How did you know? Barr – Who is your handler?
It is time to acknowledge that something is very wrong in our government and with our politicians which is beginning to show publicly in some strange ways. For example: Mitch McConnell blocked Obama’s appointment of Supreme Court justices months before the end of his term. One such appointment he blocked was a relatively middle of…
The only thing Mr. Starbucks’ announcement about the possibility of a run for the presidency of these United States did for most people was to remind us that we have been screwed, raped, pillaged with practically everything taken away from us unless we spend our lives working from dawn to dusk for meager rewards –…
Read MoreLessons Learned and Commitments Given going into 2019
Sent to us by members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community to share with all of you as we start creating yet more history. May we be conscious of the fact that what we do today is tomorrows’ unchangeable, irreversible history. I have learned so much in 2018. My first trip staying in one of the…
Quite some time ago I read a blog on these pages about “The Manchurian Candidate” and that was before Trump was elected president and today he is the president of these United States and clearly into treason against the United States. Patterns? Trump went to Canada and alienated U. S. Allies demanding that Russia be…
Read MoreAmerican Business Structure and Function – Great or Morally Corrupt
by Marceline Donaldson If we live by truth and not by image, lies, pretense, manipulation and more, we will tell the truth about our American Corporate/Business Structure and Function. We have Donald J. Trump as president because he is who we elected and who we think we need to bring the world back to where…
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