U. S. Presidential Campaign
We Heard Your Call to Investigate and Write!
To the editor: Thank you for that blog. We – me and a small group of friends – heard your call to investigate and put together the pieces we have and write about what is happening. We are going to do exactly that and hope others will follow suit. We have a little information, but…
Read MoreThe American Manchurian President-elect
Marceline Donaldson – January 2017 I think it is too late in the day to continue the denials of what has happened and is happening in these United States. We are attempting to put lipstick on a pig and for the sake of decency – truth – justice – our own democracy continuing and not…
Read MoreTRUMP – An Even Newer Post
by: Marceline Donaldson, December, 2016 There are some things that people are afraid to say about Trump. Because of the way Trump is moving fast towards his goal of heading a racist, sexist, totally compliant society, we need to be aware of what is in his environment: It is clear that some people believe Trump…
One could say God’s justice to America for setting up the Electoral College and ruining what could have been a beautiful democratic country has arrived in the form of a caricature of the person they wanted to insure that “White” Males – most like America’s founding fathers – would always be in control of the…
Read MoreTRUMP: An Analysis – Another One
by: Marceline Donaldson 2016 No more calls, please. I will give you my final say. You probably won’t like it, but here goes: What do I think about this election? It told me much about myself in relation to the United States of America’s citizens and structures. I am a minority and the laws of…
Read MoreOne Response to Trump’s “Election”
**************** https://www.change.org/p/department-of-justice-investigate-donald-trump-s-election-because-it-was-obtained-by-fraud-and-foreign-intervention?recruiter=168617629&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=share_email_responsive ***************** I believe this election was carried on and won fraudulently. So we are asking you to sign the petition asking the Department of Justice to investigate. We are also asking that if you know anything that happened during this campaign, which is even a little bit spurious you contact us with that…
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