Retaliation or Coincidence?

by: Marceline Donaldson So much harassment has happened since the last Bettina Network Blog was circulated. That last article was about the $300,000.00 and counting drained from our assets by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services. I should add, since our horribilis experience we have discovered several African Americans and Jews who have had similar…

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Senator Danforth – Episcopal Priest – White //// Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett – Episcopal Priest – Black “A democracy for white Americans, but simultaneously a dictatorship over black Americans.”— MLK

Part two of a series: – Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett – black Episcopal priest You and we have seen the power of one Episcopal priest – white. He was able to subvert the democratic process by using money and power. Not the power inherent in why he was called to the ordained priesthood nor giving…

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A summary of what happened to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett, being sent to their neighbors and friends because of a request for contributions sent to them by SCES!

To:   All of our neighbors and friends From:  Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett and Marceline Donaldson             49 Hawthorn Street             Cambridge, MA. 02138 We just received a request for money from Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services.  That same request was sent to everyone…

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Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett – still incarcerated in the hospital

without medical reasons and where beds are needed for the coronavirus. How come? We have the beginnings of a reason that we see – maybe right, maybe wrong, but it makes sense to us, looking at all the facts. 1)  Besides being held against his will in Mass General Hospital having been put there by…

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