Trump – Peter Thiel – Russia – anymore?

I read all of your articles. My response to your latest and all of the others follows: The largest and I think earliest  investor in Facebook was Peter Thiel. – the Facebook which is in the news for being very much involved with the Russian interference in this last presidential election.  The same Facebook which…

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CRAFTERS and others – A Way to Share!

Join Bettina Network, inc. and become a member of this great Lifestyle Community.  Join with Musicians, Artists, Theologians, Designers, Nutritionists, Doctors, Lawyers, Business Executives, Philathropists, Nurses, Secretaries, Videographers and others to become one great educational institution – become one of the Bettina Network Hedge Schools (patent pending). Use your homes to welcome guests who are…

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A Stock Market Conversation – about PRHB

copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2013 Every once in a while we have  conversation about the stock market – stocks people are buying – all the things of interest to those who invest, trade, gamble  stocks listed in the New York Stock Exchange, but sometimes we even have conversations about foreign exchanges and stocks traded around…

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Comcast – The Saga Continues

We’ve seen the advertisements Comcast has put all over television and other places touting its great customer service with guarantees.  They don’t say the penalty on Comcast if they violate that guarantee.  They have and are still violating it, from the experience of the Bettina Network, inc. Having filed a complaint against Comcast with the…

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Small Business Problems – Comcast

This is not a copyrighted blog because we would like you to be able to use the information contained herein in any way that is helpful to your business. Once upon a time there was a company, which was a broadband cable company and it was really great!  We were one of their first customers…

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