TRUMP – McCarthyism – KENNEDY (And let us not forget Putin)

Finally, things are coming to a place where the spotlight is shining and uncovering many corners previously hidden because they were covered with cobwebs and dust. These United States have been recently flirting with turning against its minority citizens a la the Holocaust for some time. One thing is clear – you can tell what…

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WHO IS Q – as in QANON? What are “Q”s other accomplishments!

The United States and hence the world are being torn apart by one man’s craziness (or should we say one man’s evil)! It is as if satan has arrived and started to work through a few and is now successfully pulling in their friends, family, organizations, life. Let us not keep you in suspense. Q…

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Donald J. Trump – Mentally ill or evil!!

There is a huge difference between someone who is mentally ill and someone who is just plain evil. Looking back and through Donald Trump’s life, it is clear he is not mentally ill, he is clearly evil and has practiced his craft for decades. Who in literature – especially biblical and spiritual literature do you…

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A New Political and Economics Vocabulary!

It sounds so foolish for people in the United States to be trying to frame this upcoming presidential election around old concepts which were relevant during the time of the Cold War but not today. When used, the concepts being thrown around in preparation for this upcoming 2020 campaign are confusing and the cause of…

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It is tragic what is happening in and to the United States of America. This was once a strong, respected, acknowledged world leader. It is now a country with a “president” who lies, cheats and manipulates – all for his own aggrandizement, without thought for anything else – and a structure in place to support…

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Bettina Members Share…

Congressman Jim Jordan accused of ignoring sexual abuse at OSU. see…/congressman-jim-jordan…sex-abuse…/lzfhebNU I watched the Michael Cohen hearings and was appalled at Congressman Jordan and the way he led the group denouncing Cohen for lying plus as many other uglies he could think of to throw Michael Cohen’s way. Clearly that group thrives on threat, intimidation, abuse.…

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Donald Trump and Gay Folks!

A series of articles to look at, give a partial analysis and outline of Trump’s base and what it cam expect of him.  We are starting with that portion of Trump’s base which are those who are very anti-gay, homophobic, are sure gay folks are trying to convert their children, destroy Christianity and the values…

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The Bettina Oracle Speaks!

It is time for all of you to step up to your responsibility as human beings living, working, caring for one another. That means – when one of you goes far off the rail, it is all of your individual and collective responsibility to make sure the damage that person does is limited and not…

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The Big Day – Corruption and Sin – or Walk into the Light!

by: Marceline Donaldson It is amazing to turn on the television and hear what we are doing to ourselves in the name of politics. – Actually, in the name of maintaining the ability to exercise continued power, control, to satisfy our greed and fear. Lives are being upheaval and in actual fact, we are in…

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Treason – Sexual Assaulter – Mafia – Lies – and so much more!

Would anyone believe their would ever come a time when the above title would describe the activities and involvements of the United States President? Everything we see is questionable.  As the Attorney General starts a crack down on marijuana, the first thing that comes to mind is if the Trump administration is moving to protect…

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