Robert Bennett
Some Parallels – the KKK and the Police at Dr. Bennett’s House!
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Before we start this article I would like to leave a note as to Robert Bennett and how he is doing. It was very concerning to me after visiting to see how he is treated. My husband is not used to be called “cutie”, “hi, handsome,” “oh, isn’t he cute” and more. He is…
Read MoreMEDICARE FRAUD AND MORE. What has Robert Bennett Lost!
His vote as an American citizen. Eight (8) policemen picked Robert up on March 3rd in the morning – 10-10:30am. He was set to vote in the Primary and could not. He asked several times during his “incarceration” at the hospital, but could not. So his right to cast his vote was taken away with…
Read MoreAn Open Letter to the Governor of Massachusetts – the Mayor of Cambridge – the Mayor of Somerville, MA
by: Marceline Donaldson It is time for Massachusetts to give up its title of the most racist area in the United States. Having lived in the Cambridge/Boston area for some 36 years, it is clear that title is well deserved and I was born and raised in the deep south and experienced places like Mississippi…
Read MoreLiving in Cambridge/Boston While Black! – Part 3
This is the third segment on what is happening with Robert and Marceline. It is horrible and the racism is being compounded by the way this is being handled. The agency responsible is Somerville Cambridge Elder Services. They are known to be racist and work beautifully with many in the Harvard Square area (all white)…
Read MoreLiving in Cambridge/Boston, MA while Black.
THE SECOND INSTALLMENT OF THE Marceline Donaldson and Robert Bennett story as it is happening. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We have to start this article with our deepest appreciation to Carolyn Tribe who knew what was happening to the Bennett/Donaldsons and spent time finding an attorney who would hang in there with them and get Robert out of…
Read MoreBlack in Cambridge/Boston
a series following what is happening to Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett and Marceline Donaldson in the Harvard Square area. Please send this to everyone you know – . They need a lot of help – it is a system stacked against them – Being African American, in business, in the Greater Boston area is…
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