Robert Bennett
A summary of what happened to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett, being sent to their neighbors and friends because of a request for contributions sent to them by SCES!
To: All of our neighbors and friends From: Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett and Marceline Donaldson 49 Hawthorn Street Cambridge, MA. 02138 We just received a request for money from Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services. That same request was sent to everyone…
Read MoreDr. Rebecca Warner, psychiatrist – Unbelievably irresponsible!
With all that is happening with Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett, we received a call asking that we please write about what happened with Dr. Rebecca Warner’s involvement in this attempted destruction of a substantial, well-liked, lovely person as he comes to the end of his life at 87 years old. The person calling saw Dr.…
Read MoreResponses from Bettina Network Lifestyle Community Members!
Member 1 Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett is the second African American – that we know of – who has had a negative interaction with the police. He is the second African American who had done nothing even remotely criminal and yet the police came to his house twice and forced him out and incarcerated him.…
Read MoreGet Off My Neck! Continuing the story of what is happening to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett!
We are the new folks on the block and took a look at the papers and other things available on what is happening with Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett. They have asked that we make everything public and transparent for all and any to read and learn from. This is a very ugly development in this…
Read MoreAnd the Primary Care Physician for Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett?
Dr. Glenn S. Kehlman was Dr. Bennett’s primary care physician. He is no longer because Rev. Dr. Bennett sent a letter dismissing Dr. Kehlmann. We were asked to look into this area and investigate as much as possible and we did. After what we found I feel as though I need a long, very hot…
Read MorePhotos of Robert Bennett and Marceline Donaldson. Somerville Cambridge Protective Services claims Robert is incapacitated and must be forcibly detained in a nursing home for the rest of his life under the guardianship of Jewish Center for Family and Children!
How evil! And they are doing this with tax payers money in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Of course, taxpayers will not benefit as Robert Bennett’s estate is stripped of everything and that money goes to private individuals involved in what we believe is a criminal conspiracy. Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services wants to take…
Read MoreSCES now trying for Guardianship over Rev. Dr. Bennett
They don’t want financial oversight, but they do want to be able to “spend down funds” to pay for Rev. Dr. Bennett’s care. Where do these people come from? They also want the Court to give them the right to give Dr. Bennett anti-psychotic medicine. Doctors have given up their rights to prescribe to the…
Read More1933 Mississippi/2020 Greater Boston,MA.
Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett – the incredible, quiet, lovely, caring person who spent his life working for others, giving to others, helping those who crossed his path and needed help that he had to give has been made an example of in the tradition of the KKK possee which rode at night across places…
Read MoreRev. Dr. Robert Bennett – still incarcerated in the hospital
without medical reasons and where beds are needed for the coronavirus. How come? We have the beginnings of a reason that we see – maybe right, maybe wrong, but it makes sense to us, looking at all the facts. 1) Besides being held against his will in Mass General Hospital having been put there by…
Read MoreABUSE of the Police! ABUSE of the Court! ABUSE of the Elderly for Money and Power!
AN UPDATE! “My husband’s condition is dire. He has been under enormous pressure which could and probably has negatively affected his health. Put in that position by Somerville Cambridge Elder Services, a group that claims to be concerned about his health and have accused his wife of abuse. Why such an accusation? Because it allowed…
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