President Obama
Trump’s Campaign Promises & History
by: Marceline Donaldson We need to take a look at a parallel time in history for these United States. The time of Reconstruction was followed by the dismantling of what the time of Reconstruction wrought. What we are experiencing under Donald J. Trump is that time after Reconstruction of horror, evil, misery under which so…
Read MoreA New Harvard President!
by: Marceline Donaldson and Harold E. Doley, Jr. Drew Gilpin Faust, the 28th president of Harvard University has resigned her position effective June 30, 2018. A historian and former head of Radcliff Institute, Ms. Faust did an excellent job of continuing to move this private Ivy League institution, founded in 1636 in “New Town” –…
Read MoreAnd God laughed………..
Well, once again the United States Court system has come through – keeping to its Constitutional mandates. This time, however, there is a side issue and in that issue one can see God’s hand. The decision to block Donald Trump’s bigotry as it constantly spews out of the White House and out of his every…
Read MoreThe United States President = Pathological Liar
It is amazing to see “Mr. President” referred to every day as a Pathological Liar. I have lived through many presidents and not everyone has been happy with the current president, but all of them – except maybe Richard Nixon – have been respected even when one could not agree with some of their policies…
Read MoreTRUMP – An Even Newer Post
by: Marceline Donaldson, December, 2016 There are some things that people are afraid to say about Trump. Because of the way Trump is moving fast towards his goal of heading a racist, sexist, totally compliant society, we need to be aware of what is in his environment: It is clear that some people believe Trump…
Read MoreTRUMP: An Analysis – Another One
by: Marceline Donaldson 2016 No more calls, please. I will give you my final say. You probably won’t like it, but here goes: What do I think about this election? It told me much about myself in relation to the United States of America’s citizens and structures. I am a minority and the laws of…
Read MoreTRUMP: An Analysis
11/14/2016 We have all had quite a week. We put out two petitions asking you to sign them. The blog before this one has the URL which you can copy and put into your address line to get the petitions. We also put out a petition through Groundswell. These petitions ask that a Special Prosecutor…
Read MoreConspiracy Theories?
Breakfast at a Bettina Network Hedge School can be awesome as you talk to so many different people who come from amazing places with experiences that span the globe and includes ideas, history, remembrances and thought processes that sharpen your own. I would not trade being a part of Bettina Network Hedge Schools for anything.…
Read MorePresident Obama’s Eulogy of Rev. Pinckney
We have been asked by many of our readers for the URL address of where they could find President Obama’s eulogy. Apparently, you folks didn’t think it was going to be great so you were doing other things while this incredible statement was being made. At the end, President Obama was referred to as “the…
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