The Bettina Network, inc. copyright 2010 We have started a new tradition, thanks to a guest, from Oxford in England, who makes Espresso for himself every morning with a popcorn popper and good, green espresso coffee beans. It was a fascinating conversation to realize something which I had dismissed as complicated, time-consuming, etc. is being…

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In Memory of Jaki Leverson

. May 28, 2010, Jaki Leverson died. There is much joy in bed and breakfast, much happiness, laughter, sharing, but there is also grief and pain. Jaki Leverson was a guest in our homes from 1990 until she could no longer travel from London to the United States in 2008. We kept in touch via…

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A Memorial to "Brother Blue"

Copyright 2010 The Bettina Network, inc. We spent Saturday at a memorial service to Brother Blue – Dr. Hugh Morgan Hill. I say “we spent Saturday” because it started about noon and went on until about 4pm. At no time during those four hours did you want to leave. There were several hundred people present,…

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Ginger Pralines

copyright 2010 by Marceline Donaldson Pralines generate memories that takes me back to a really great childhood. I shall always be grateful to those who sacrificed so much for me. A neighbor and I (Troy Lynn), used to get in my grandmother’s kitchen and experiment with pralines. Troy Lynn took her pralines home and ate…

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A Tribute to Mary Daly

by: Marceline Donaldson A friend of mine died on Sunday. The world is changing much too fast. Old friends are leaving, quietly. You hear nothing for a couple years and then the news comes that they have died. Keep your friends and family close. Before you know it, they will be gone.    Mary Daly died…

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Our Holiday Greeting to Everyone

This is the time of year when you realize you know your friends, but you don’t know which holiday they celebrate.  So our best wishes to everyone, everyplace, whatever you call your end of the year celebration. – We rejoice in being in a business which allows us to share a small part of so…

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The Bettina Network, Inc’s Expanding

copyright 2009 The Bettina Network, inc. We are expanding our business to include Estate Sales and Liquidations.  It is a business which helps us move one step further into vertical integration. Several people involved with the Bettina Network have had much experience with antiques, estate sales and related matters, some for over 40 years, so…

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Bread Sticks Dessert for Breakfast

copyright 2009 The Bettina Network, Inc. These breakfast bread sticks are a really terrific after breakfast dessert which can be ‘knoshed’ on all day. We discovered the recipe while having afternoon tea at Young Quinlan & Co., an elegant store in Minneapolis which, unfortunately, has been closed for a few decades.  It was a great…

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A New Orleans Review Post Katrina

copyright by Marceline Donaldson 2009 We receive many notes, cards, telephone calls asking us what is happening in New Orleans and asking me to please write something.  Probably because some of you know New Orleans is home and am I your only real live contact with what is happening there?  Ready or not, this is…

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Reusing Those Important "Things"

copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2008 An anonymous guest A bed and breakfast guest added an instantly spectacular idea from a friend of hers.  Her friend made a christening gown for her grandchild out of the train of her wedding dress. _________________________________________________________ Learn More About How We Use Your Donation! [give_form id=”3763″] ______________________________________________________________ Want to join…

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