by: Marceline Donaldson My name is on this writing because it is time for all of us to come out of the shadows of shame and into the light with our truth. We have been attacked and are being attacked, apparently to shut us up.  Trying to destroy Bettina Network, inc. and me is keeping…

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A Promoter of Conspiracy Theories – President?

America – really?  You elected a man who was the spokesperson and promoter of conspiracy theories as your president? Really?  Come on – that can’t be real.  Are you really that racist, America? The last president spent eight years in office – an African American.  He was elected – and re-elected.  He was respected around…

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A Statement on the Environment

Surprises come from many directions.  This Encyclical Letter, distributed by the Vatican from Pope Francis, was one.  We hope you read it and take it to heart.  It is not something we are accustomed to seeing come from the head of a religious community.  We hope more such statements are forthcoming. We should make Pope…

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