Bettina Community Members Respond!
Thank you for the forum. I note how the dregs of society are coming together to take control. Casino operator Trump and his friend casino operator Wynn have been having a grand time with the power acquired from Trump becoming president. The power of Las Vegas was behind Trump. Wynn was not just a small…
Read MoreThe Bettina Oracle Speaks
You keep calling me out to tell you more – this time no small answers lets take a broad brush across all of what is happening in the United States and why! I told you some time ago there would be a continued upswing in their stock market from Barack Obama’s economic policies until Trump’s…
Read MoreMany Responses to Trump Article!
Since we had several responses to the same blog – we thought we would combine them as best we can to let you know what members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community are thinking about and responding to. These are not direct quotes as we have tried to condense some, which were very long, and write…
Read MoreA Member of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community Writes…..
So much and so awful. Your last blog was brilliant. I know how you prefer to just do and have those acts ignored so you maintain your privacy, but I can’t help but say – kudos. That breaking down and paralleling as to why Trump is so anti-immigrant was a master stroke. Moving on –…
Read MoreMy Response! – No Names Please!
Don’t want to lose my job. But if this keeps on the way it has I will be out there on the front lines – dam the job – I will join the homeless if that is necessary to bring about change. I noticed a couple of Marceline’s Facebook posts. One included something – in…
Read MoreThe American Tax Cut
by: Marceline Donaldson If ever I have seen a group of people who should not be in government, it was those folks standing on the steps of the Capital – built by slaves – awaiting the arrival of their “leader”. It was like a Greek play! Along comes four White MEN! My first thought was…
Read MoreRummagings About Morality
Isn’t it amazing what it takes for the experiences of your life to come together. What is it you have wanted more than anything else in life? For me – since I was little – it was wisdom and understanding. Funny thing about that – it is exactly what I have received from life. Not…
Read MoreTrump – Peter Thiel – Russia – anymore?
I read all of your articles. My response to your latest and all of the others follows: The largest and I think earliest investor in Facebook was Peter Thiel. – the Facebook which is in the news for being very much involved with the Russian interference in this last presidential election. The same Facebook which…
Read MoreResponse to “Edmund Petus Bridge”
You’ve done it again. I did not make the connection between what is happening today in Alabama with what happened all those years ago in Alabama against African Americans. This is sick! I saw the people at the press conference of evangelicals raving and screaming in favor of Roy Moore. What struck me during that…
Read MoreBack to the Edmund Petus Bridge
by Marceline Donaldson Something is oddly familiar in this “stand-off: now going on amongst our government officials, politicians, hopefuls and a very oppressed group which Alabama and others are trying desperately to contain and keep in their oppressed state. Even the current Governor of Alabama has come public and done a modernized version of Governor…
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