Bettina Oracle Speaks!

You reap what you sow!  You sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind. This most recent time has been the end of a very bad cycle.  Let’s hope goodness and love overcomes all and this next cycle brings about a better, gracious, elegant, love-filled result. When the emotions of greed, the need for power and…

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What is there left to say!

Donald Trump promised a huge push right before the Midterm vote and he has delivered.  It is not possible that he declared himself a Nationalist one day and his people delivered the bombs to even past American presidents the next.  I do not believe in such coincidences.  And to be truthful, neither do you! The…

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NOT Hillary Clinton – Heart Breaking!

by: Marceline Donaldson Not long ago, I wrote a blog which held up Hillary and talked about her many contributions to the equality of everyone, especially women. What I said in that blog was true and laudable, however, when I saw the interview Hillary just gave which absolved Bill Clinton from any responsibility in the…

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Donald Trump – Don’t You Dare…

by: Marceline Donaldson apologize on my behalf.  Your apology to the Kavanaugh family on behalf of the American people included me as a citizen – the daughter of a citizen – the granddaughter of a citizen – the great granddaughter of a citizen – the great-great granddaughter of a citizen and even further back to…

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An Anniversary Celebration of the Trump Access Tape

We have been drowned with comments from members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community.  We could not publish all of them – most of what is coming in are comments from people about Trump and company and that has been true for several weeks.  To say this country is upheaveled by this man, his horrible character,…

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The Big Day – Corruption and Sin – or Walk into the Light!

by: Marceline Donaldson It is amazing to turn on the television and hear what we are doing to ourselves in the name of politics. – Actually, in the name of maintaining the ability to exercise continued power, control, to satisfy our greed and fear. Lives are being upheaval and in actual fact, we are in…

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I watched as my president took the stage and looked so confident.  He looked as though he was ready, able and knew he would successfully take on and make an overwhelming speech for this crowd which was not his own, but he was the United States President.  He’d done this multiple times to thunderous applause…

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Bettina Network Members Respond to Kavanaugh and more!

Wow! We had no idea emotions were running so high.  Nor did we realize how sophisticated Americans are in their understanding of politics.  We expected outrage from this claim of attempted rape – we did not expect what follows.  Here are some of the responses: “Is it possible there will be no FBI investigation of…

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Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court?

If you ever wondered why there is a #me too movement and if there is a need for a #me too movement – here is your answer. The United States has a president who is the sexual abuser and sexual assaulter in chief.  Why?  He has some nineteen plus women accusing him of sexual abuse…

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