Bettina Oracle Speaks – New World Order
So much happening in your world and there are so few people – beyond those doing the planning – who understand and get what is probably going to be their future. George H. W. Bush – Donald Trump – New World Order – blocked by the Clintons. Have you noticed the continuum between H. W.…
Read MoreEthics and Integrity in Business
We have published blogs on the beginnings of Airbnb and outlined how and when the idea was stolen from an African American woman by three white males who were sent to her home to get info on the business she had been building for many years. If you want to know more about that, search…
Read MoreA New Political and Economics Vocabulary!
It sounds so foolish for people in the United States to be trying to frame this upcoming presidential election around old concepts which were relevant during the time of the Cold War but not today. When used, the concepts being thrown around in preparation for this upcoming 2020 campaign are confusing and the cause of…
Read MorePelosi – Impeach or Move Aside!
To be so constantly exposed to so much sin takes lots of prayer to maintain. When one goes into a United States of America Court of law one takes certain assumptions. Basic is the one which outlines how agreements, breach of contract, relationships and more work. You find evidence for your side and move on…
Read MoreBARR – Distracting from????
Distracting from the evil they are currently putting in place is a strong, ongoing way Trump World operates. Barr has simply joined the group. He has been clear about who he is for quite some time now. He has worked from a set of ethics which are in the toilet and are at least as…
Read MoreTrump – yet another distraction!
by: Marceline Donaldson Apparently, Vladimir Putin has sent Donald Trump another list of things to do and Trump is carrying them out in his usual manner. However, the Chinese spy was ‘caught’ and the distraction is exposed for what it is – a continued attempt to dismantle these United States. It is clear from the…
It is tragic what is happening in and to the United States of America. This was once a strong, respected, acknowledged world leader. It is now a country with a “president” who lies, cheats and manipulates – all for his own aggrandizement, without thought for anything else – and a structure in place to support…
Read MoreMore Bettina Members Comments!
I was heartsick as I watched television news as the New Zealand massacre unfolded. I could not believe we were in that space once again. I turned on television news to watch young people in their massive demonstration about Climate Change. What a disappointment. A fantastic huge demonstration of such dedicated youth and not one…
Read MoreBettina Members Share…
Congressman Jim Jordan accused of ignoring sexual abuse at OSU. see https://www.daytondailynews.com…/congressman-jim-jordan…sex-abuse…/lzfhebNU I watched the Michael Cohen hearings and was appalled at Congressman Jordan and the way he led the group denouncing Cohen for lying plus as many other uglies he could think of to throw Michael Cohen’s way. Clearly that group thrives on threat, intimidation, abuse.…
Read MoreThe End……….
by: Marceline Donaldson If you didn’t get it before, yesterday was the end of Donald Trump. If you didn’t get that during the Michael Cohen hearing you got it when Trump left Vietnam hours early with no agreement. You had a premonition that something was up; that all was not right with the fascist leaders’…
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