Danforth and Thiel have What in common?
The more we research the more unbelievable it all becomes. Maybe we are naive with expectations we should dump. Maybe the world needs to stop idolizing white male northern-europeans-ancestry people and start over again including everyone in decisions, actions, all to advance better living for everyone. It is really tiring to see generation after generation…
Read MoreWHO IS Q – as in QANON? What are “Q”s other accomplishments!
The United States and hence the world are being torn apart by one man’s craziness (or should we say one man’s evil)! It is as if satan has arrived and started to work through a few and is now successfully pulling in their friends, family, organizations, life. Let us not keep you in suspense. Q…
Read MoreSenator Danforth – Episcopal Priest – White //// Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett – Episcopal Priest – Black “A democracy for white Americans, but simultaneously a dictatorship over black Americans.”— MLK
Part two of a series: – Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett – black Episcopal priest You and we have seen the power of one Episcopal priest – white. He was able to subvert the democratic process by using money and power. Not the power inherent in why he was called to the ordained priesthood nor giving…
Read MoreDonald J. Trump – Mentally ill or evil!!
There is a huge difference between someone who is mentally ill and someone who is just plain evil. Looking back and through Donald Trump’s life, it is clear he is not mentally ill, he is clearly evil and has practiced his craft for decades. Who in literature – especially biblical and spiritual literature do you…
Read MoreElectoral College Trumps Democracy!
With the upcoming vote being what is dominating the news, the one thing mostly absent from the discussion is the Electoral College. We have suffered through Donald Trump as president because of the racism and sexism structured into this country and its Constitution by our Founding Father. They were unable to envision a country in…
Read MorePerjury #4 – Insurance Fraud – Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett!
This is the continuation of a comparison of Ms. Al-Wetaid’s affidavit which was used by Attorney O’Sullivan to get a Protective Order charging Ms. Donaldson of abusing her husband; changing the Health Care Proxy for Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett and more. That affidavit formed the basis from which all that has come after. Attorney O’Sullivan…
Read MoreInsurance Fraud – Attempted Destruction of a human being – and so much more!
Each day brings drama such as we have never seen before. We had no idea the Health/Medical field had such incredible things happening. Keeping up with all that is happening takes a lot of work. We are trying to walk a fine line with what we publish because Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Bennett want to…
Read MoreSome Parallels – the KKK and the Police at Dr. Bennett’s House!
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Before we start this article I would like to leave a note as to Robert Bennett and how he is doing. It was very concerning to me after visiting to see how he is treated. My husband is not used to be called “cutie”, “hi, handsome,” “oh, isn’t he cute” and more. He is…
Read MoreKamala Harris vs Michael Bloomberg
by: Marceline Donaldson My candidate, as everyone knows, is Kamala Harris. I hope her campaign suspension is temporary and she comes back strong. We all acknowledge that Donald Trump needs to go soonest. He is like a huge, overgrown pig eating at the trough pushing everyone else away because he wants no one on his…
Read MoreBettina Community Members Respond About – Tiger Woods, Mitch McConnell, Trump and Erdogan, Nancy Pelosi
Many comments from members. This one seemed to represent what all of you sent. If we left out something you wanted aired, please resend your comment and we will add it as an article to this Bettina Network publication. Thanks for all that you do and for sending us information to include in Bettina Network’s…
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