Mitch – How did you know? Barr – Who is your handler?

It is time to acknowledge that something is very wrong in our government and with our politicians which is beginning to show publicly in some strange ways. For example: Mitch McConnell blocked Obama’s appointment of Supreme Court justices months before the end of his term. One such appointment he blocked was a relatively middle of…

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Trump – yet another distraction!

by: Marceline Donaldson Apparently, Vladimir Putin has sent Donald Trump another list of things to do and Trump is carrying them out in his usual manner. However, the Chinese spy was ‘caught’ and the distraction is exposed for what it is – a continued attempt to dismantle these United States. It is clear from the…

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It is tragic what is happening in and to the United States of America. This was once a strong, respected, acknowledged world leader. It is now a country with a “president” who lies, cheats and manipulates – all for his own aggrandizement, without thought for anything else – and a structure in place to support…

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Bettina Members Share…

Congressman Jim Jordan accused of ignoring sexual abuse at OSU. see…/congressman-jim-jordan…sex-abuse…/lzfhebNU I watched the Michael Cohen hearings and was appalled at Congressman Jordan and the way he led the group denouncing Cohen for lying plus as many other uglies he could think of to throw Michael Cohen’s way. Clearly that group thrives on threat, intimidation, abuse.…

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DRAFT DODGER as Commander in Chief

Donald Trump has a long list of ways he has violated the “norm.”  It seems as though he is president to upheaval this country and deliver it into the hands of the fascist leaders of the world.  To be one with them is the goal?  If it is he is certainly succeeding admirably.  Most recently…

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Trump – Hitler – Idi Amin -Nationalists

Ed. Note:  Comments from Bettina Network Lifestyle Members “It was amazing to hear Donald Trump come out with his endorsement of and commitment to Nationalism and then try to make it sound like something it is not.  That happened after listening to Trump lie at every rally.  He is so careless with the truth you…

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The Big Day – Corruption and Sin – or Walk into the Light!

by: Marceline Donaldson It is amazing to turn on the television and hear what we are doing to ourselves in the name of politics. – Actually, in the name of maintaining the ability to exercise continued power, control, to satisfy our greed and fear. Lives are being upheaval and in actual fact, we are in…

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Trump – the Enemy of the United States and its People!

It becomes harder each day for those who support Donald Trump to continue in that space without having to take that step into a treasonous space. This morning, we watched the Hitler history on cable television and it was amazing. Our host family brought us breakfast on a tray because we couldn’t move away from…

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Trump – and his minions!

It is time to question seriously what Trump and those around him have in common.  What is the strand that keeps them together? Have you ever thought that a Nazi mentality – a Nazi-like upbringing – a belief in those things that brought and kept Hitler in power is the connection?   A family with…

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