Supreme Court Nominee – Amy Barrett. Really!!!
Amy Barrett is a woman being appointed to the Supreme Court who does not believe in the equality of women. Equality does not happen when one lives in a community and one’s first loyalty is to the content and structure of that organization giving deference and obeisance to men. In this case living under the…
Read MoreRomney – Pelosi – Trump
by: Marceline Donaldson The experience of having seen and heard Mitt Romney lay out in all its rawness, his reasons for voting to convict Donald Trump was amazing, confirming and an experience I shall never forgot and one for which I give thanks. In doing so, Romney gave all of us a pattern for how…
Read MoreThe Most Corrupt Country is the U. S.?
by: Marceline Donaldson It is amazing to watch and listen to the impeachment trial of Donald Trump. I was a Republican from the time I first voted. Coming from the deep south and with a relative a few generations removed who was head of the Louisiana Republican Party and who was African American; and coming…
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