THE WALL: A 1920’s KKK Dream

That dream, in the 1920’s when the KKK was at its height, was complete with steel slats and it was a very high wall on the Southern border between the U. S. and Mexico. It looks as though Donald Trump, the illegitimate president of the United States, is doing everything he can to fulfill that…

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In Memory of Sarah Scammell

If any of you reading this knew Sarah and would like to add your remembrances to this – please email us at +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sarah was a friend and someone who worked with Bettina Network, inc. for several years. One day, just a few months ago, someone came to our door to say Sarah had…

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In Memory of Francis Albert Dynan

by:  Frances Maloney It is written of Mary of Magdala, that, after the disciples had returned to their homes, Mary lingered like a humming bird before the silent face of the tomb, weeping.  “And as she wept, she bent over into the tomb and saw two angels in white sitting there, one at the head…

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The Last Word: Stay Woke – A Memorial to Dick Gregory

By:  Dr. E. Faye Williams, Esq.            August 23, 2017 “It is through our struggles that we gain victories” Stay Woke are words to remember from my best friend–the one and only Dick Gregory. Who in Black America (or America for that matter) hasn’t heard of Dick Gregory?  I certainly had known him for years before…

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Donald Trump = U. S. Terrorist

It is now conclusively proven  – Trump is a terrorist.  This weekend broadcast that for the world to see.  He is the Hitler of this ‘Alt-Right’ movement. We now also know where the Nazi’s went when they were thrown out of Germany.  Their heirs and progeny are carrying on their mission in the United States.…

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Aileen Clark Hernandez – (1926-2017)

by:  Marceline DonaldsonI won’t say rest in peace.  I will say I hope you are living your life after life in a heaven in which everyone is equal – where love abounds – where justice has no meaning because the evils of this life have all fallen away. At the end of life, one begins…

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by: Marceline Donaldson I read this morning of the death of Jack Greenberg and it hit me much harder than I would have expected. Jack Greenberg, Percy Julian, Dolores Orey and so many others are among the people who surrounded me at a very dire time of my life.  I am so grateful for the fact…

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The Rev. Nicholas Hood

by: Marceline Donaldson, April 11, 2016 Some remembrances write themselves.  This one is being written through heavy grief because it is not only a memory of Nicholas Hood, but  long overdue grieving of my youth and someone who contributed majorly to who I am as a Christian today. Nicholas Hood is in my heart and…

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The Rev. Dr. Lillian D. Anthony, my friend

by: Marceline Donaldson, president Bettina Network Foundation, inc.   There are some people one expects to go on forever, but none of us lives forever. Lillian was a force of nature. Her strength came from the clear, truthful, fearless and love filled way she lived her life. I have always called Lillian ‘my friend’, but…

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Spencer Morgan Rice, In Memoriam

by:  Marceline Donaldson, 2014 We were saddened to hear of the death of Spencer Rice on January 15, 2014.  He was a larger than life figure as rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in the city of Boston from 1982 to 1992. There is always that extra amount of grief when someone you know dies, –…

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