Republicanism BC and AD – oops, AT*

*BC = Boehner Cruz;  AT = After Tea Party copyright 2013 Bettina Network, inc. The singing reported in the Tea Party’s caucus reminded me of the Titanic – remember? As they went down, those who could not or did not leave the ship went down singing Amazing Grace.  Isn’t that what happened last night?  It…

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WOW! What an article!

Thanks for your article on the Government shutdown. I am a Democrat who is constantly mystified by the workings of this political campaign business. As a regular traveller to Cambridge, I stay fairly often in your home.  It is quite the place for good conversation.  What I appreciate about this article is that I haven’t…

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The March on Washington

copyright 2013 Bettina Network, inc. This coming week we will remember one of the highlights of the Civil Rights Movement which changed so much in this country.  It is such an emotional time that I have barely started to write this and the grief, tears and overwhelming feelings take over. I was very young during…

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I Tried Your Liquid Vitamin C….

It was terrific.  I started using it when I heard about it at a Bettina home.  Liquid C is a little difficult to find, but I discovered it in a Vitamin Shop.  It comes in a bottle – like a milk bottle – and the bottle is covered with an orange plastic wrap.  That was…

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Live by the Rule of Law – OR –

copyright 2013 Bettina Network, inc. Live by the Rule of Love! As a host family in the Bettina Network I’ve met all kinds of people, had thousands of conversations around the breakfast table and sometimes have great evenings with complete strangers in front of my wood burning fireplace.  Conversations which changed my life and have…

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A Bettina Guest Comments on Zimmerman-Martin

You don’t have to copyright my comment!  It is free to whoever wants to use it. I’ve been a guest at Bettina homes for many years.  My regret is that I was not at the home in Harvard Square to be a part of the discussions that I know took place over this trial and…

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Martin-Zimmerman and they Followed Historical Patterns

copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2013 Don’t you know, just about every table talk conversation today is about the Zimmerman/Martin case and practically every sermon in many different denominations and religions includes some reference to it. This is our contribution to the conversation: 1) George Zimmerman was not tried by a jury of his peers.  Wasn’t…

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Open That Car Door Wide before Entering

copyright 2013 Bettina Network, inc. We had a guest recently, a frequent visitor from Turkey, who was going with us to an estate sale.  His area of expertise – both education and research – is in materials. He got to the car door, opened it and stood there for a minute or two.  I wasn’t…

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Dr. Oz – Breakfast Conversation

copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2013 Considering we are a network which tries hard to be as organic as possible – which means in food, lifestyle, building structures, etc. – it was quite something to be a part of a breakfast conversation which resulted in all saying they were turning off Dr. Oz and his television…

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