The Bettina Oracle Speaks

You keep calling me out to tell you more – this time no small answers lets take a broad brush across all of what is happening in the United States and why! I told you some time ago there would be a continued upswing in their stock market from Barack Obama’s economic policies until Trump’s…

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Many Responses to Trump Article!

Since we had several responses to the same blog – we thought we would combine them as best we can to let you know what members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community are thinking about and responding to.  These are not direct quotes as we have tried to condense some, which were very long, and write…

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The American Tax Cut

by:  Marceline Donaldson If ever I have seen a group of people who should not be in government, it was those folks standing on the steps of the Capital – built by slaves – awaiting the arrival of their “leader”. It was like a Greek play! Along comes four White MEN! My first thought was…

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Rummagings About Morality

Isn’t it amazing what it takes for the experiences of your life to come together. What is it you have wanted more than anything else in life? For me – since I was little – it was wisdom and understanding. Funny thing about that – it is exactly what I have received from life.  Not…

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Trump and Kelly – Resign!

The Manchurian candidate has become the Manchurian president. Trump has spent his presidency causing chaos, confusion and more.  Isn’t that what Russia would have wanted in exchange for helping Trump gain the presidency?  Donald Trump, now President Trump has not missed a time of sowing the wind so we could reap the whirlwind.  Does he…

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Puerto Rico – CCamp 2017 style

The story of the Trump Administration and Donald Trump continues to unfold and as it does, the fascism and the many ways black, brown, yellow, red, purple people are negatively affected by this administration continues non-stop.  Trump has not missed one way of doing everything he could do to diminish, degrade, take away the rights…

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In June 84,437 readers and in August 92,452

We went over the 2,000,000 readers mark in August, 2017.  Over two million readers have visited Bettina Network’s Blog. If you are a member of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community you may contribute your writings, poems, thoughts, recipes, lifestyle contributions from your life, your research – scientific and otherwise, to reach a fantastic group of elegant…

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An Open Letter to Our Leaders!

From:  Harold E. Doley, Jr. To:  President Donald J. Trump: Vice President Michael R. Pence: U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell: Speaker of the House Paul Ryan: Congressman Cedric Richmond:   “Robert E. Lee stated that he would not be buried in his Confederate States of America (CSA) uniform because that act would be seditious.  At Lee’s…

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Donald Trump = U. S. Terrorist

It is now conclusively proven  – Trump is a terrorist.  This weekend broadcast that for the world to see.  He is the Hitler of this ‘Alt-Right’ movement. We now also know where the Nazi’s went when they were thrown out of Germany.  Their heirs and progeny are carrying on their mission in the United States.…

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