Kitchen Table Talk
Love and Sex – A reader adds comments
Thank you for that blog. It struck me for some time that we are being led by a group of white men who seem to have sex on their minds and we suffer the consequences because love is required of leaders. What does it mean that our president – Donald J. Trump – has been…
Read MoreEthics – Character – Gerrymandering
by: Marceline Donaldson Looking at the election in Ohio in a district which has been badly gerrymandered over the decades we need to seriously define what it means – especially in politics – to steal, lie, attempt to destroy an old republic trying to become a democracy using gerrymandering as one of many tools. If…
Read MoreTrump – the Enemy of the United States and its People!
It becomes harder each day for those who support Donald Trump to continue in that space without having to take that step into a treasonous space. This morning, we watched the Hitler history on cable television and it was amazing. Our host family brought us breakfast on a tray because we couldn’t move away from…
Read MoreTrump and the U. S. Supreme Court
Members of the Supreme Court, appointed by Republicans and being Republicans, came together to make a decision on the latest version of Trump’s Muslim Band and decided to support the personal bigotry of the Republican President – Donald J. Trump – instead of the Constitution of the United States. When the second African American man…
Read MoreHair Color – Organic/Beautiful/Changeable!
Many breakfast table conversations move into the areas of health and beauty. We have heard just about everything people do to enhance their natural looks and we have tried everything talked about. We don’t put everything out for you to try or know about because we want to make sure someone in the Network has…
Read MoreHow to Unstop Your Sinks!
We had a guest who came into the kitchen asking for baking soda and vinegar. We didn’t know what to make of the request and asked if we could help with something? She said no, she had everything under control, but we only had apple cider vinegar and organic at that. She said she had…
Read MorePorn Star? – Brother Adulterers?
We could not stay silent about Rudi Giuliani’s comments which he made from Israel about the “classy women” Trump married as opposed to the horrible porn star claiming “falsely” according to Giuliani, that she had an affair with Donald Trump. Lets take a look at history. Here is the “Classy Woman” Trump married. His Wife…
Read MoreWhat is Bettina Network, inc. – i.e. Publications
Bettina Network, inc. has several areas within its corporate structure. Bettina Network Hedge Schools is one – to refresh your memory or read about the Hedge Schools see Also included in Bettina Network, inc. are its publications: Bettina Network’s Blog and Bettina’s Menu of Events. Both described below. If you have questions don’t hesitate to…
Read MoreA Readers Response
Thank you for what you have written in the Manchurian Administration. What amazes me is that Jared Kushner let the cat out of the bag early on that there was and would be “collusion” with Russia and Putin when he wanted to set up a “back door” communications channel for Trump and Putin to communicate.…
Read MoreFood – Vanilla – Chicken Stock – Horrors!
I have had to turn off the cooking shows. I keep looking for one that does something other than season its desserts and sweets with vanilla flavoring and its savories with chicken stock. Ever wonder why describing how dishes taste you always have to add – they taste a little like chicken, don’t know why,…
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