Trump – yet another distraction!

by: Marceline Donaldson Apparently, Vladimir Putin has sent Donald Trump another list of things to do and Trump is carrying them out in his usual manner. However, the Chinese spy was ‘caught’ and the distraction is exposed for what it is – a continued attempt to dismantle these United States. It is clear from the…

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The End……….

by: Marceline Donaldson If you didn’t get it before, yesterday was the end of Donald Trump. If you didn’t get that during the Michael Cohen hearing you got it when Trump left Vietnam hours early with no agreement. You had a premonition that something was up; that all was not right with the fascist leaders’…

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DRAFT DODGER as Commander in Chief

Donald Trump has a long list of ways he has violated the “norm.”  It seems as though he is president to upheaval this country and deliver it into the hands of the fascist leaders of the world.  To be one with them is the goal?  If it is he is certainly succeeding admirably.  Most recently…

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Trump/Putin/Kim – Creating a World to rule!

Does what’s happening around Trump and the Ford sexual assault accusations have a ring of familiarity? Is the way that is being handled by Trump have the ring of familiarity? Take a look at Putin’s Russia and Kim Jong Un’s North Korea! Mitch McConnell, Trump, the U. S. Senate’s investigation into the allegations against Brett…

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Quite some time ago I read a blog on these pages about “The Manchurian Candidate” and that was before Trump was elected president and today he is the president of these United States and clearly into treason against the United States. Patterns? Trump went to Canada and alienated U. S. Allies demanding that Russia be…

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Children Weaponized while Satan Quotes Scripture!

by Marceline Donaldson It is unbelievable what is happening in these United States.  Trump’s bigotry and actions to “Make America White Again” is totally out of control. We have many questions: In the Internment/Concentration/Death Camps for children why are reporters being kept out?  What is going on in those camps which has to be kept…

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Entering Trump Concentration Camps

Hitler put families, adults, etc. into concentration camps.  Read how they started – what was needed to set the stage for the general public to accept such without taking responsibility for their establishment.  Wasn’t there a book written – by Hannah Arendt, I believe – which tries to analyze what happened and came to the…

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BN Lifestyle Member Responds

by:  Lani Stacks It is unfortunate that many, and of course, Trump’s followers and fans, think he is the greatest man of all history.  I saw right through it as you did.  Even the young North Korean dictator was mesmerized by this self-impressed American thug.  Kim Jong Un appeared/behaved very child-like as grade or middle…

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