Girl, that could be you!

Marceline, don’t just read this and cast it aside, I am writing it and sending it to you for Bettina Network’s Blog. Someone should write your biography. As I saw Kamala Harris I thought about you and had to sit down with my pen before I got involved in something else and this moment would…

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A Response by a Bettina Member

First – I am young, white and male. I need to put that out front so you know something about where I am coming from. I am also a scientist who has been using Bettina Network for several years and look forward to my time spent in one of your homes in Harvard Square –…

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Kamala Harris vs Michael Bloomberg

by: Marceline Donaldson My candidate, as everyone knows, is Kamala Harris. I hope her campaign suspension is temporary and she comes back strong. We all acknowledge that Donald Trump needs to go soonest. He is like a huge, overgrown pig eating at the trough pushing everyone else away because he wants no one on his…

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Racism Obscures Black Male Sexism

by: Marceline Donaldson This presidential campaign, including a black female – Kamala Harris – will experience black male sexism. The major question becomes – how does that look; how has it exhibited in the past; how will it exhibit during this presidential campaign and what is my responsibility to see that it is held in…

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