A Series – Part ONE: Racism, Sexism and more…. – the structurally divided system we call the United States of America! But, it could also be called the World in Which We Live! This series will cover what maintains it in such an evil way with individual examples!

We write and talk a lot about the bigotry of racism, sexism and so much more. We keep that talk on an institutional level. Very seldom do we write and talk with individual, real -true-to-life examples. That would interfere with our ability to deny – which is the foundation of what allows those structures to…

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Historically Speaking –

We need to become more knowledgeable about history. What is happening today will make a lot of sense if you know your personal history – the history of your country – the history of your family, etc. Let’s take a look at what is happening in Texas and put it in a historical context: What…

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A summary of what happened to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett, being sent to their neighbors and friends because of a request for contributions sent to them by SCES!

To:   All of our neighbors and friends From:  Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett and Marceline Donaldson             49 Hawthorn Street             Cambridge, MA. 02138 We just received a request for money from Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services.  That same request was sent to everyone…

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Bettina Oracle Speaks!

You reap what you sow!  You sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind. This most recent time has been the end of a very bad cycle.  Let’s hope goodness and love overcomes all and this next cycle brings about a better, gracious, elegant, love-filled result. When the emotions of greed, the need for power and…

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