James O’Sullivan, attorney
A Reader’s Request Re: Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett
“I tried to follow the blogs which talked about what happened to Rev. Bennett. I was a student of his and felt great pain reading that. A more gentle caring man you can not find so to read about how he was treated is just horrible. I have a question, which may make me sound…
Read MoreSenator Danforth – Episcopal Priest – White //// Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett – Episcopal Priest – Black “A democracy for white Americans, but simultaneously a dictatorship over black Americans.”— MLK
Part two of a series: – Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett – black Episcopal priest You and we have seen the power of one Episcopal priest – white. He was able to subvert the democratic process by using money and power. Not the power inherent in why he was called to the ordained priesthood nor giving…
Read MoreResponses from Bettina Network Lifestyle Community Members!
Member 1 Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett is the second African American – that we know of – who has had a negative interaction with the police. He is the second African American who had done nothing even remotely criminal and yet the police came to his house twice and forced him out and incarcerated him.…
Read MoreGet Off My Neck! Continuing the story of what is happening to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett!
We are the new folks on the block and took a look at the papers and other things available on what is happening with Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett. They have asked that we make everything public and transparent for all and any to read and learn from. This is a very ugly development in this…
Read MoreSCES now trying for Guardianship over Rev. Dr. Bennett
They don’t want financial oversight, but they do want to be able to “spend down funds” to pay for Rev. Dr. Bennett’s care. Where do these people come from? They also want the Court to give them the right to give Dr. Bennett anti-psychotic medicine. Doctors have given up their rights to prescribe to the…
Read MoreInsurance Fraud – Attempted Destruction of a human being – and so much more!
Each day brings drama such as we have never seen before. We had no idea the Health/Medical field had such incredible things happening. Keeping up with all that is happening takes a lot of work. We are trying to walk a fine line with what we publish because Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Bennett want to…
Read MoreABUSE of the Police! ABUSE of the Court! ABUSE of the Elderly for Money and Power!
AN UPDATE! “My husband’s condition is dire. He has been under enormous pressure which could and probably has negatively affected his health. Put in that position by Somerville Cambridge Elder Services, a group that claims to be concerned about his health and have accused his wife of abuse. Why such an accusation? Because it allowed…
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