Holiday Greeting
Happy Holidays!! From all of us at Bettina Network, inc.
We wish all of you a vey happy holiday – however you celebrate. May this world always and forever recognize us all as individuals who have the right and the freedom to think, live and act in our own way always being true to who we are. May we develop the spirit to be able…
Read MoreHappy New Year – 2016
…..and lots of success, great experiences, with much learning which develops into wisdom. We had an amazing year full of many challenges which we have learned from and used to improve Bettina Network, inc. We added Bettina Network Hedge Schools – which you can read about here – and while tentative at first, they…
Read MoreChristmas – A Joyous Occasion?
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2015 We are so accustomed to celebrating holidays with a certain emotion which seems intrinsic to that holiday that we generally don’t think about why or if that emotion is appropriate to the holiday. Good Friday is clearly a somber occasion and our emotions are quite turned down on that day.…
Read MoreCandlemass and Pancakes?
copyrighr Bettina Network, inc., 2014 Leave it to the French to take a religious celebration and turn it into something to eat – something great to eat. Candlemass is celebrated in France as Candelaria where candles are blessed, lit and borne in procession. After which pancakes are eaten. In the Mosaic Law, there is the…
Read MoreA Thanksgiving Gift
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2013 We thought carefully over all the breakfast conversations lately and the one that seemed to be ideal for Thanksgiving was the one about how important it was to sterilize your forks, knives, etc. – especially since we all cook and eat with great gusto on this Thursday – That has been…
Read MoreA Poem from A Bettina Guest
“I have really enjoyed, learned from and look forward to reading Bettina Network’s Blog. My contribution to the blog – as a member of the Bettina Network Community (that’s a great idea and I love it – am I going to get a membership card?) – is the following poem. I keep it all over…
Read MoreHappy New Year! 2013
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2013 All of us at Bettina Network, inc. wish all of you a very Happy New Year! Our wish for you in 2013 is for much joy – the company of caring people – problems which are immediately solvable – new friends and experiences you would not have dreamed about –…
Read MoreHappy Thanksgiving!
“Thou has given so much to me,” poet George Herbert wrote, “Give one thing more, – a grateful heart.” A quote in Samuel T. Lloyd’s Thanksgiving message in the Trinity Church newsletter. Some things say it all –…
Read MoreHappy Holidays to One and All!!!
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2011 We wish for everyone celebrating this winter holiday season a joyous; memory filled; warm celebration, surrounded by friends-family-extended family; and those added to the family for the holidays who would otherwise be alone. We wish for you gratitude, humility, a fulfillment of at least one dream during the holidays along…
Read MoreHAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WE wish you much joy, happiness and love! We wish for you the care and comfort of being surrounded by friends, family and those who need you and yours! If we could give to you any gift in the universe, we would give you the joy of…
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