Historical Homes
The Black Race*
WOW! Powerful! Thank you! I wanted to respond, but being white, I thought I should keep my mouth shut. Your blog has changed that. I am going to say what I think, wherever I am and let the chips fall where they may. I have been afraid of being called a racist most of my…
Read MoreRachel Dolezal – over Breakfast!
copyright bettina network, inc. 2015 I am sure you knew we would weigh in on this one. It is too good not to talk about over breakfast – and it was a great conversation. What was best about the conversation – it was honest. We did not talk platitudes; conversation society would expect or accept;…
Read MoreDogs! Dogs! and more Dogs!
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2015 NEWS FLASH! New terminal disease discovered which is killing the population. It is fatal within two hours of a human becoming infected. Scientists have found the cause – the huge amount of animal fecal matter spreading rapidly and piling up across the world. The main spread agent – dogs…
Read MoreBettina Network Hedge Schools***
What are Bettina Network Hedge Schools? How do they work? A Bettina Home is a part of the Bettina Network Educational Institute. We take homes into Bettina Network, inc. because they have something to contribute to our learning; they are full of many amenities not found elsewhere; the knowledge they contribute is sometimes in the…
Read MoreLinda Kucera Window Restorations
Bettina Network, inc. copyright 2014 Windows in historical homes can be a problem! Very few of us know anything about restoring, renovating, fixing windows. We do know a lot of choice names we call windows when they stick, leak, break, let in too much cold or hot air and more. We met someone and had…
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